Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Wiki

A yari-wielding monk found near the Old Grave Sculptor's Idol with an Ashina swordsman near him. Can be eavesdropped after the Central Forces invasion.

Behaviour and Tactics[]

Missing information.

Most of the monk's attacks rely on backing up, and then thrusting. This makes ample use of the Mikiri Counter very important. The monk can also be defeated by stealth in both of his locations very easily.

Eavesdropping Icon Eavesdrop (After Invasion, Old Grave)

Missing information.

Eavesdropping Icon Eavesdrop (After Second Invasion, Old Grave)

([Buddhist chanting] Namu Amida Butsu, Namu Amida Butsu...)
... Everyone.. Forgive me.
But nobody would put their life on the line for free...
All right, so... how do I make my escape...?

