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Burn Effect Being hit by too many fire-based attacks will eventually apply the Burn status abnormality. Guarding fire attacks does not prevent the Burn gauge from rising. While burning, flames are visible on one's body, and will prevent the regeneration of Posture and will gradually damage Vitality for the duration.


Burn takes 1% Vitality per second for 10 seconds, for a total of 10% maximum Vitality. It also halts Posture recovery.

How to cure Burn[]

  • Dousing Powder and Ministry Dousing Powder cure Burn and increase Burn resistance by 60%/80% for 30 seconds and reduce fire damage by 40/60%.
  • The Withered Red Gourd, while it doesn't heal active Burn status abnormality, increases Burn resistance by 70% for 30 seconds and reduces fire damage by 50%.
  • Divine Grass cures Burn and fully restores Vitality.

Enemies that inflict Burn[]



Enemies that are weak to Burn[]

  • Red-eyed enemies are deeply scared of Fire. They take more fire damage and get into unique panicked stun animation upon seeing fire.


Enemies that are immune to Burn[]



How to inflict Burn[]


Poison Effect Repeatedly getting hit by poison-based attacks will apply the "Poison" status abnormality. Guarding such attacks does not prevent Poison from accumulating. Poison affects the body and mind when it enters the body, gradually reducing Vitality over time.


Poison is a status effect that lasts for 40 seconds. Depending on the amount of maximum vitality, it can deplete from a third to almost the entire vitality.

How to cure Poison[]

  • Antidote Powder cures Poison and increases Poison resistance by 70% for 30 seconds.
  • The Green Mossy Gourd, while it doesn't heal active Poison status abnormality, increases Poison resistance by 70% for 30 seconds.
  • Divine Grass cures Poison and fully restores Vitality.
  • Contact Medicine inflicts a weak form of Poison, making others ineffective.

Enemies that inflict Poison[]



Enemies that are weak to Poison[]

  • Isshin's Pupil
  • Okami Warrior
    • Okami Warriors are weak to Blue Rust Poison from the Sabimaru. Once afflicted, they will take a massive Vitality and Posture damage, in addition to an extended vomit stun animation.


Enemies that are immune to Poison[]


  • Armoured Warrior
  • Headless
  • Shichimen Warrior
  • Lone Shadow Longswordsman
  • Lone Shadow Vilehand
  • Lone Shadow Masanaga the Spear-Bearer


How to inflict Poison[]


Terror Effect Taking damage from apparition-type enemies will fill the mind and body with Terror. Guarding such attacks does not prevent Terror from accumulating. Those overcome with Terror are known to die.


Terror is a lethal status effect that will kill Sekiro once the status gauge is full.

How to cure Terror[]

  • Pacifying Agent cures Terror build-up and increases Terror resistance by 50% for 30 seconds.
  • The Mottled Purple Gourd cures Terror build-up and increases Terror resistance by 50% for 30 seconds.
  • Divine Grass cures Terror build-up and fully restores Vitality.

Enemies that inflict Terror[]

  • Lantern-wielding Villager


  • Headless
  • Shichimen Warrior


  • Folding Screen Monkeys (Illusion Monkeys only)
  • Guardian Ape (Phase 2 only)
  • Headless Ape
  • Corrupted Monk (Fountainhead Palace, Phase 3 only)


Shock Effect If standing on the ground while struck by a lightning attack, the status abnormality "Shock" is inflicted. This occurs regardless of whether the attack was guarded or not. Shock causes electricity to run through one's body, dealing huge damage to Vitality and also stunning them briefly.


If Sekiro's feet are on the ground and he takes a lightning attack, he will take a massive Vitality and Posture damage, the amount of which varies depending on his vitality.

How to cure Shock[]

  • Eel Liver cures Shock and increases Shock resistance by 50% for 30 seconds.
  • Divine Grass cures Shock and fully restores Vitality.

Enemies that inflict Shock[]


  • Okami Leader Shizu


  • Genichiro Ashina (Phase 3 only)
  • Genichiro, the Way of Tomoe
  • Isshin, the Sword Saint (Phase 3 only)

How to inflict Shock[]

Lightning Reversal:[]

Lightning surges through the bodies of those with their feet on the ground, instantly paralyzing them. A secret technique exists to catch lightning in one's blade while in mid-air, and send it back.


Enfeeblement Icon Syphons youth out of the target, restricting his agile movements to only a slow limping, weak attack and the inability to use any items or prosthetic tools. It also greatly reduces his health and disables resurrection.


Enfeeblement is an unique statues effect inflicted by only one enemy. When the status gauge is full from playing the flute, Sekiro becomes old and infirm, unable to use prosthetics or items, with low health and weak attack. If killed, Sekiro can't resurrect. Once cured, the full health gauge is restored but low health remains.

How to cure Enfeeblement[]

  • Kill the Palace Noble that inflicted it and perform a Deathblow on him.
  • Wait for its effect to run out (30 seconds).
  • Reaching a Sculptor's Idol and resting.

Enemies that inflict Enfeeblement[]

  • Palace Noble


Those with Red Eyes are dangerous and filled with rage, and attempting to defeat them in hand-to-hand combat seems unwise. Fire, however, is very effective against them. They are said to fear fire above all else.

Enemies with Red-Eyes[]


  • Chained Ogre
  • Ashina Elite - Ujinari Mizuo

How to gain Red-Eyes[]
