Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Wiki
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Wiki
Prosthetic Tools
Divine AbductionDivine Abduction Finger WhistleFinger Whistle Flame VentFlame Vent Loaded AxeLoaded Axe
Loaded ShurikenLoaded Shuriken Loaded SpearLoaded Spear Loaded UmbrellaLoaded Umbrella Mist RavenMist Raven
SabimaruSabimaru Shinobi FirecrackerShinobi Firecracker
A Prosthetic Tool fitted with Robert's firecrackers. Costs Spirit Emblems.

Unleashes an explosive flash that briefly blinds foes and inflicts Posture damage on beast-type enemies. Has a wide, frontward field of effect that can impact multiple enemies at once.
Suitable for temporarily immobilizing enemies and particularly good for scaring beasts.

Shinobi Firecracker


Unlocked by giving Robert's Firecrackers to the Sculptor. It is sold by the Battlefield Memorial Mob for Sen 500.


Shinobi Firecracker: Scatter a flash of gunpowder in front of you. Easily frightens beasts. Costs SpiritEmblems 2 Spirit Emblems to use.


Upgraded Versions[]

Spring-load Firecracker
Spring-load Firecracker A Firecracker upgraded with a spring mechanism. Costs Spirit Emblems to use.

Unleashes a loud explosion and bright flash which causes foes to recoil and inflicts Posture damage on beast-type enemies.
Charging up the spring mechanism adds rotational energy when spreading the Firecrackers, affecting enemies in all directions.

Upgrade Cost
  • Sen 200
Scrap Iron
Scrap Iron x2
Black Gunpowder
Black Gunpowder x1
Spirit Emblem Cost SpiritEmblems 2 Spirit Emblems
Shinobi Firecracker
Scatter a flash of gunpowder in front of you. Easily frightens beasts.
(Hold) Spring-load Firecracker
Charge up the spring mechanism to scatter a flash of gunpowder in all directions while spinning.
Long Spark
Long Spark An upgraded Firecracker using compound gunpowder. Costs Spirit Emblems to use.

Compounded gunpowder is said to have a long spark, and by increasing the proportion of Black Gunpowder the effect can be prolonged for longer than the average Firecracker.
The flames of the firecrackers bloom for a short while.

Upgrade Cost
  • Sen 500
Yellow Gunpowder
Yellow Gunpowder x2
Black Gunpowder
Black Gunpowder x3
Spirit Emblem Cost

SpiritEmblems 2 Spirit Emblems

Long Spark
Scatter a long-lasting flash of gunpowder in front of you. Easily frightens beasts.
(Hold) Spring-load Long Spark
Charge up the spring mechanism to scatter a long-lasting flash of gunpowder in all directions.
Purple Fume Spark
Purple Fume Spark An upgraded Firecracker that uses a purple, smoke-emitting compound gunpowder. Costs Spirit Emblems to use.

The tweaked compound gunpowder is known as " Purple Fume Spark". 
The addition of fatty wax lumps delays the explosion slightly.
Enemies blinded by the blast take slightly more Vitality and Posture damage for a brief period of time.

Upgrade Cost
  • Sen 1500
Lump of Fat Wax
Lump of Fat Wax x5
Adamantite Scrap
Adamantite Scrap x2
Fulminated Mercury
Fulminated Mercury x2
Spirit Emblem Cost

SpiritEmblems 2 Spirit Emblems

Purple Fume Spark
Scatter a purple smoke emitting flash of gunpowder in front of you. Takes longer to explode than other firecrackers. Enemies blinded by the blast take slightly more Vitality and Posture damage for a brief period of time.
(Hold) Spring-load Purple Fume Spark
Charge the spring mechanism to scatter a flash of gunpowder in all directions while spinning.