A heavy, black iron axe used by shinobi. Can be fitted to the Shinobi Prosthetic to become a working Prosthetic Tool. This boorish axe is used less for cutting and more for breaking things with its weight. |
Found in the Hirata Estate inside a small temple immediately next to the shortcut gate that leads back to the Estate Path Sculptor's Idol.
Unlocks the Loaded Axe Prosthetic Tool when given to the Sculptor at the Dilapidated Temple.
- If the Young Lord's Bell Charm isn't retrieved prior to the final invasion of Ashina Castle and Outskirts by the Central Forces, this item won't become available in the Offering Box next to Hanbei and it won't be obtainable for the rest of the playthrough, since the Timid Maid will be found dead.
- It's heavily implied that this axe used to belong to the Sculptor, when his shinobi name was the "Bounding Monkey of the Sunken Valley".