Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Wiki
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Wiki
Prosthetic Tools
Divine AbductionDivine Abduction Finger WhistleFinger Whistle Flame VentFlame Vent Loaded AxeLoaded Axe
Loaded ShurikenLoaded Shuriken Loaded SpearLoaded Spear Loaded UmbrellaLoaded Umbrella Mist RavenMist Raven
SabimaruSabimaru Shinobi FirecrackerShinobi Firecracker

In-Game Description[]

A Prosthetic Tool made with the blade Sabimaru, allowing for a quick series of attacks together with the sword.

The blue, poisonous rust on Sabimaru's blade applies "Poison" status abnormality. Wielded in wars of old, the blade's blue rust was used to drive off inhuman Okami warrior women. Even now, it is likely to be effective against their descendants.



Unlocked by giving the Sabimaru (Upgrade Material) to the Sculptor. The sword is found in a chest on the floor below the Upper Tower - Antechamber of Ashina Castle.


Inflicts Poison build-up, which can't be guarded nor deflected, on enemies. When Poison enters the body, the enemy will start losing Vitality over time and won't be able to recover Posture. Particularly effective against Snake Eyes Shirafuji, O'Rin of the Water and the Okami Warriors.


(Repeated) Combo: Perform a flurry of attacks with both the sword and Samibaru. Sabimaru's attacks inflict Poison status abnormality. Costs SpiritEmblems 1 Spirit Emblem to use.


Upgraded Versions[]

Improved Sabimaru
Improved Sabimaru An improved Sabimaru with a special mechanism for unleashing the blade. Costs spirit emblems to use.

Due to the revised mechanism, one can fluidly swap between two separate sets of attacks as desired.
Has a blue rust poison applied to the blade that eats into enemies' defense and inflicts "Poison" status abnormality.

Upgrade Cost
  • Sen 600
Scrap Iron
Scrap Iron x4
Scrap Magnetite
Scrap Magnetite x4
Spirit Emblem Cost SpiritEmblems 1 Spirit Emblem
(Repeated) Combo
Perform a flurry of attacks with both the sword and Samibaru.
(During Combo) Combo Change Attack:
Perform a sword attack that toggles the current attack combo. This turns your body and can also be used for evasion.
Piercing Sabimaru
Piercing Sabimaru A further improved Sabimaru with a finely sharpened blade. Costs Spirit Emblems to use.

Repeated attacks with the newly sharpened edge of the blade will damage an enemy's Vitality and Posture, even through their guard.
The blue rust poison on Sabimaru's blade eats its way into enemies and applies Poison status.

Upgrade Cost
  • Sen 1500
Scrap Iron
Scrap Iron x8
Scrap Magnetite
Scrap Magnetite x4
Adamantite Scrap
Adamantite Scrap x4
Spirit Emblem Cost

SpiritEmblems 1 Spirit Emblem

Perform a flurry of attacks with both your sword and Sabimaru. Sabimaru's sharpened blade will damage enemy Vitality and Posture, even if guarded.
(During Combo) Combo Change Attack:
Perform a sword attack that toggles the current attack combo. This turns your body and can also be used for evasion.
Lazulite Sabimaru
Lazulite Sabimaru Sabimaru blessed with the favor of the Fountainhead Lapis Lazuli. Costs Spirit Emblems to use.

The combination of Lapis Lazuli and the rusted blue blade produces a poisonous mist with every swing.
Dissolving the Lapis Lazuli over the blade caused the ancient blue rust to bubble to the blade's surface.



Upgrade Cost
  • Sen 3000
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli x2
Adamantite Scrap
Adamantite Scrap x4
Fulminated Mercury
Fulminated Mercury x4
Scrap Magnetite
Scrap Magnetite x8
Scrap Iron
Scrap Iron x12
Spirit Emblem Cost

SpiritEmblems 1 Spirit Emblem

Perform a flurry of attacks with both the sword and Sabimaru. A Poison mist erupts from every swing of Sabimaru.
(During Combo) Combo Change Attack:
Perform a sword attack that toggles the current attack combo. This turns your body and can also be used for evasion.

