Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Wiki
Memory Gyoubu
Remnant Gyoubu
Prayer Bead
Prayer Bead
Rot Essence Sculptor
Rot Essence
Healing Gourd
Quick Items
Secret Passage Key
Key Items
Mist Raven's Feathers
Prosthetic Tools
Scrap Iron

In-Game Description[]

The more one with the power of the Dragon's Heritage dies, the more the sickness known as Dragonrot spreads through the world.
If one known to Wolf is coughing and wheezing, it's likely they are afflicted with Dragonrot.
The more Rot Essence Wolf has, the lower the chances of receiving Unseen Aid



Dragonrot (龍咳, Dragon Cough) is the name of the mysterious illness that has gripped the land of Ashina.

  • Dragonrot is spread after Wolf suffers a certain number of deaths he doesn't resurrect from: resurrecting does NOT cause Dragonrot.
  • Dragonrot will start manifesting after Wolf perishes definitely four times.
  • Some of the characters that interacted with Wolf will become sick and develop a "Rot Essence".
  • The more Rot Essence Sekiro has, the lower is the chance to receive Unseen Aid, which prevents the loss of Sen and Skill Experience upon death.
  • Dragonrot prevents some questline from progressing, but it does NOT kill any NPC.
Emma's Dialogue
Talking after first resurrection Emma: Hmm... Notice anything different?

Wolf: ... Yes.
Emma: Like what?
Wolf: I died... The Divine Heir's voice reached out to me... And suddenly I was alive again.
Emma: So you died... and now you're alive again. So that means it has to do with resurrection.
Wolf: Resurrection?
Emma: Lord Kuro... It's said to be a power of the Divine Heir's Dragon Heritage. Those who have been given the power of resurrection - they are revived upon death. Repeatedly.
Wolf: ......... Impossible.
Emma: Yes. It is rather strange. And yet, it is happening here and now... Let me know if you notice any more changes. I don't think the power of resurrection comes without a cost.

Talking after three deaths Emma: Hmm...?

Wolf: What is it?
Emma: As I thought... the difference is slight... and I can only see it from up close...
Wolf: What is it?
Emma: Dragon's Blood stagnation. I believe you're showing its symptoms.
Wolf: Stagnation?
Emma: Dogen, my mentor, spoke of it once. The power of the Dragon's Heritage becomes tainted the more you use it. When the stagnation has built up too much, it overflows.
Wolf: What happens when it overflows?
Emma: Diseases spread, apparently. I hope this is just me being unnecessarily cautious... But if you should notice anything alarming--
Wolf: Yes, I'll come see you.

Speaking with the Sculptor infected Emma: ...Have you seen the Sculptor lately?

Wolf: Yes. He's...
Emma: All I know is what Dogen told me long ago. That the Dragon's Heritage can bestow the power of resurrection. However it is no ordinary power. Repeated use leads to stagnation, which will eventually reach a point where it "overflows"... This causes those who do not have the power to become sick. A disease known as Dragonrot. He knew much about it, but even so he was unable to determine a cure. Forgive me.
Wolf: ... Is there a way to treat this Dragonrot?
Emma: I do not know. However, it must be stopped... I'm unsure, but the first step is to look through my mentor's research and see if I can discover a way...
Wolf: Thank you.

Talking Emma: My mentor Dogen spoke of it before. He said that repeated death causes the Dragon's Blood to stagnate. And stagnating past a certain point will cause the Dragon's Eye to overflow... You're showing symptoms of overflowing stagnation. That is my diagnosis. If you should notice anything alarming, come and see me.

Wolf: There must be a way to treat the Dragonrot.
Emma: The first step is to look through my mentor's research and see if I can discover a way... The Dragonrot and the overflow of stagnation... There must be some link between the two. For my research... I need you to find me blood samples from others who are afflicted.
Wolf: I'll see what I can find.
Emma: ... Thank you.

Dragonrot Restoration[]

The Recovery Charm allows Dragonrot sufferers to be healed from a Sculptor's Idol.
A Dragon's Blood Droplet can be consumed to heal Dragonrot from all those afflicted. Doing so will cause all Rot Essence to disappear, returning the chances of receiving Unseen Aid to the default value.

The following steps are required to become able to cure Dragonrot:

  • After dying four times, talk with the Sculptor and, as he suggests, speak with Emma too.
  • Reload the area and speak to her again, now that she's found tending to the Sculptor: she'll request to be provided with a Dragonrot Blood Sample, which can be retrieved from any infected NPC, beside the Sculptor.
  • Bring her the blood and, upon reloading the area, Emma will give Sekiro her Recovery Charm and Dragon's Blood Droplet [x1]: it's now possible to cure every afflicted NPC, getting rid of all the Rot Essences in the inventory, at the cost of a Dragon's Blood Droplet by simply interacting with any Sculptor's Idol and selecting "Dragonrot Restoration".

If Wolf hasn't received the Recovery Charm before defeating the Divine Dragon, Emma will give it alongside the Dragon's Blood Droplet when asked "About Dragonrot".

Emma's Dialogue
When Emma is tending to the afflicted Sculptor Wolf: What are you doing?

Emma: ... Hm? Oh, I didn't realise you were here. The Sculptor has been coughing blood... I took a sample of this blood for my Dragonrot research.
Wolf: A sample of his blood?
Emma: Yes. Blood that he's coughed up. The colour of the blood itself appears to be tainted... stagnant. But... the Sculptor's blood alone isn't enough to reach any conclusions...
Wolf: Is there anything I can do?
Emma: Yes... Bring me samples of blood coughed up by others that suffer from the Dragonrot. If I have more, I'll be able to learn more about the disease.
Wolf: If I come across anyone afflicted by the Dragonrot, I'll ask them.
Emma: Thank you.

Speaking again Emma: For my research... I need you to find me blood samples from others who are afflicted.

Wolf: I'll see what I can find.
Emma: Thank you.

After Obtaining Dragonrot Blood Sample Wolf: I've obtained one.

Emma: A blood sample. Let me see... The colouration is very similar to the Sculptor's. The colour is just slightly tainted. But what's this...? Hmm...
Wolf: Do you have enough blood?
Emma: ... I believe so. Allow me to continue my research into the Dragonrot. When we speak again, it's likely I'll have made a breakthrough. In fact, count on it.

Speaking again Emma: I can now continue my research on the Dragonrot with the blood sample you gave me. When we speak again, it's likely I'll have made a breakthrough. In fact, count on it.
Talking Again Emma: I've been waiting for you.

Wolf: Any progress?
Emma: Yes, I've found some answers. The source of the Dragonrot is the stagnation in your blood.
Wolf: What causes the stagnation?
Emma: The blood has only a limited amount of power available to it. Let's say you've used all of this power... and then you attempt to resurrect again. The resurrection still occurs, but... It must draw on power from another source.
Wolf: From those that have the Dragonrot?
Emma: I believe so.
Wolf: For those who have the Dragonrot...
Emma: The natural life force that everyone has, that allows them to live their lives and function as human beings, has been taken from them. Their blood has stagnated.
Wolf: Can it be cured?
Emma: Yes, by giving back what has been taken. Here you are.
(Gives Recovery Charm and Dragon's Blood Droplet [x1])

Talking Emma: There was a Dragonrot epidemic in Ashina once before. Back then, a cure was not achieved... every single person who caught it, died.

Wolf: ... I see.
Emma: Dogen, my late mentor, regretted this deeply. It is my hope that finally discovering the cure has alleviated this regret, if only a little.

Rot Essence

Rot Essence Sculptor

Rot Essence: Sculptor[]

The man who coughs zealously sculpts statues of Buddha to avoid being consumed by the building flames.

Rot Essence Maid

Rot Essence: Timid Maid[]

The coughing and wheezing sounds of an old woman deeply worried about her beloved master.

Rot Essence Fine Son

Rot Essence: Thirsty One[]

The coughing and wheezing sounds of a man who is both frightened and thirsty.

Rot Essence Mob

Rot Essence: Pious Mob[]

The coughing and wheezing sounds of a man who holds memorials for the dead, in a place where Buddha has been forgotten.

Rot Essence Mob

Rot Essence: Drunk Mob[]

The coughing and wheezing sounds of a drunk who has forgotten the sincerity of offerings, yet offers them regardless.

Rot Essence Mob

Rot Essence: Crow Mob[]

The coughing and wheezing sounds of a man who takes great pride in memorializing the dead. He holds service somewhere in Ashina Outskirts.

Rot Essence Mob

Rot Essence: Info Broker[]

The coughing and wheezing sounds of a man who makes his living dealing in information, yet cannot remove himself from compassion.

Rot Essence Lost Child

Rot Essence: Lost Child[]

The coughing and wheezing sounds of one who seems to be a lost child in a large body.

Rot Essence Mob

Rot Essence: Wartorn Mob[]

The coughing and wheezing sounds of one who is near death. The man who coughs has witnessed endless battles, making offerings to the dead in the battlefield outside Ashina Castle Gate.

Rot Essence Mob

Rot Essence: Jail Mob[]

The man who coughs seems to be one who frequently sees those gruesomely abandoned. Even so, he continues to make offerings to the dead.

Rot Essence Fine Son

Rot Essence: Fine Son[]

The coughing and wheezing sounds of a man thinking only of his sick mother.

Rot Essence Charmed One

Rot Essence: Charmed One[]

The coughing and wheezing sounds of a man who is enamored with a beautiful melody.

Rot Essence Surgeons

Rot Essence: Surgeons[]

The coughing and wheezing are coming from a deeply troubled pair of researchers who are nonetheless tireless in their work.

Rot Essence Black Hat

Rot Essence: Black Hat[]

The coughing and wheezing comes from a man who wants nothing more than to return to an abandoned place.

Rot Essence Maid

Rot Essence: Faithful One[]

The coughing and wheezing sounds of an old woman of great faith. Keeping one's faith even when driven mad allows one to see certain things. Thank heavens...

Rot Essence Newcomer

Rot Essence: Newcomer[]

The coughing and wheezing comes from one who travels frequently, looking to expand his business.

Rot Essence Mob

Rot Essence: Toxic Mob[]

He who coughs finds himself near poisonous pools, He works to make offerings to those Buddha cannot save.

Repercussions on Questlines[]

Dragonrot will make it impossible to complete the steps of the following questlines:



  • Anayama's Rot Essence refers to him as "Newcomer", but in japanese it's actually "man who aims to expand his business" (商いの昇り人).
  • In japanese, the Info Broker's Rot Essence never mentions any compassion, it reads more like: "While the whereabouts of a man can be sold, his feelings can't be discarded" (人の事情は売りさばくが、人の情は捨てきれぬ)

Cut Content[]

Originally Dragonrot was linked to the concept of the "Dragon's Eye", the stagnation of the blood of the dragon's heritage reflecting in the pupil of Wolf's right eye, where he has the white mark. This disease was supposed to actually kill NPC and could only be cured individually by creating a Dragonrot Pellet using some of Wolf's Resurrective Power, but first Wolf had to suppress the stagnation in his own blood for this to be possible:

If someone afflicted with Dragonrot is not treated, they will die.
However Emma can create a medicine called Dragonrot Pellet to cure them.
Dragonrot Pellets require Resurrective Power to be created.
Emma's Cut Dialogue
After examining Wolf's face Emma: So, it's not a birthmark. Then, that must mean it appears on those who have received the dragon's heritage. Or it could be a symptom of the dragon's eye.
Examining the face again Emma: Mmmh...

Wolf: What is it?
Emma: Forgive me but, please, show me your face again.
Wolf: Alright.
Emma: Is it the same as before? The mark... your eyes...
Wolf: What's wrong?
Emma: Nothing... Your mark... I thought it seemed just a little darker... but it appears to have been my imagination...

About the Dragon's Eye Emma: Stagnation of the dragon's eye... You may be showing symptoms of it...

Wolf: What is the dragon's eye?
Emma: My mentor Dogen spoke of it before. The power of the dragon's heritage stagnates, if the one who uses it dies repeatedly. A symptom of this stagnation appears in the depths of one's pupil. This is called the dragon's eye.
Wolf: And my right eyes is showing this symptom?
Emma: I believe so. And it is said that stagnation can build up in the dragon's eye to the point that it overflows.

Speaking of it again Emma: My mentor Dogen spoke of it before. He said that repeated deaths cause the dragon's blood to stagnate. And stagnating past a certain point, will cause the dragon's eye to overflow. You're showing symptoms of overflowing stagnation. That is my diagnosis. If you should notice anything alarming, come and see me.
Explaining how to cure Dragonrot Wolf: Can it be cured?

Emma: Yes by giving back what has been taken. More precisely, giving them a portion of your resurrection power. I'll create a medicine based on that power.

If Wolf's blood is unusable Emma:But right now, your blood is stagnated. So the first step is for you to suppress the stagnation of your blood. Otherwise I cannot create the medicine.

Wolf: Understood.

If Wolf's blood is usable Emma: However, if your blood becomes stagnated... you'll need to find a way to suppress the stagnation.
The stagnation is cured, but the medicine can't be created Emma: I see you've managed to suppress the stagnation of the dragon's blood... but it appears that those afflicted with the dragonrot are still sick. We must find a cure...
The stagnation is cured and the medicine can be created Emma: I see you've managed to suppress the stagnation of the dragon's blood... so right now your blood is in a normal state. If you'd like I can create medicine for the dragonrot.
The medicine can be created Emma: The blood samples allowed me to discover a cure for the dragonrot. The medicine can be created in exchange for some of your resurrective power. If you require the medicine, please let me know.
Choosing "Create Dragonrot Pellet" Wolf: Please, make the medicine.

Emma: Certainly. To do so, I need some of your power of resurrection.
Wolf: (Grunts)
Emma: Here you are. Dragonrot medicine. It'll supress the effects of blood stagnation.

Speaking of Dragonrot Pellet Emma: If you have an afflicted person drink this... their incessant wheezing and coughing should stop.

Wolf: Understood.

Once created the medicine, the option to "Give Dragonrot Pellet" will become available at a sick NPC, who'll thank Wolf for the cure and then have additional dialogues after recovering fully.

Cut Dialogue

Choosing "Give Dragonrot Pellet" Sculptor: (Cough, cough...)

Wolf: I've brought medicine, for the Dragonrot. Lady Emma made it.
Sculptor: Emma did it...? So she did... (Sips medicine)
Wolf: Any change?
Sculptor: Well.. Breathing's a bit... easier, now.

Cured of Dragonrot Wolf: Are you better now?

Sculptor: That's Emma for you. She's always been the type to finish what she starts.
Wolf: I see.
Sculptor: One more thing... thanks.

Speaking afterward Sculptor: Well, need something else?

Wolf: Sculptor... You said you're not normal... What does that mean?
Sculptor: The only thing I do at this desolate ruined temple is carve wrathful Buddha idols. These are not the actions of one who's right in the head.

Choosing "Give Dragonrot Pellet" Wolf: Drink.

Badger: (Sips medicine)
Wolf: You should feel better soon.
Badger: Ahahah... the great Blackhat Badger wasn't... quite himself for a while there. Sorry to have troubled ya.

Cured of Dragonrot Badger: Well, if it isn't my favorite costumer! I appreciate what you did for me before. The rotten put me out for a spell. (Eh eh) But thanks to you, I couldn't be better.

Choosing "Give Dragonrot Pellet" Wolf: Here.

Timid Maid: (Wheezing) Inosuke... what is this...?
Wolf: ... Medicine.
Timid Maid: Thank... you... (Sips medicine)
Wolf: You'll feel better... in no time.
Timid Maid: (Wheezing) You...
Wolf: ... Yes?
Timid Maid: You're... a fine son...
Wolf: .........

Choosing "Do nothing" Timid Maid: (Wheezing) Ah... the young master...
Cured of Dragonrot Timid Maid: Oh, Inosuke! Thank you! I can breathe more easily now. With such a fine son... what more (Cries) could a mother ask for? (Cries)
After giving the Dragonrot Pellet to Inosuke Timid Maid: That sick man out there, sounds like he's gotten better. (Eh eh eh) Oh, Inosuke! Your mother saw you give him that medicine. What a compassionate son I have! I want you to know that your mother is very proud!

Choosing "Give Dragonrot Pellet" Wolf: Drink this...

Anayama: What... what's it cost...?
Wolf: Don't worry about it...
Anayama: I... couldn't...
Wolf: I'll take one sen.

If Wolf hasn't given Anayama any sen Anayama: (Wheezing) I... don't have any... right now...

Wolf: You can pay me back later...
Anayama: (Laughs to himself) Fine by me...
Wolf: Now, drink.
Anayama: (Sips medicine)
Wolf: You'll be better in no time.
Anayama: (Cackles to himself)

If Wolf has given Anayama some sen (Anayama paid you 1 sen.)

Anayama: (Laughs to himself)
Wolf: Now, drink.
Anayama: (Sips medicine)
Wolf: You'll be better in no time.
Anayama: Many thanks... By the way, sir... What'll... you have...?
Wolf: Sure. Maybe I will buy something.
Anayama: (Cackles to himself)

Leaving Anayama: It's easier to... breathe now... Thank... you... kindly.
Refusing to give the medicine Wolf: .........

Anayama: (Wheezing) Ugh... damn it...

Cured of Dragonrot Anayama: Oh, good sirrr! I'm all better now thanks to the medicine you gave me. Now I can put all my energy into selling my wares again. Thank you, good sir!

Wolf: Don't mention it...
Anayama: Hey, sir? You remember our agreement, don't you?
Wolf: Sure. I will buy something.

After giving the medicine to Kotaro Anayama: Good sir! Take a look at Kotaro here. He's all better! What a relief. By the way good sir... I've got a real bargain for you today!

Choosing "Give Dragonrot Pellet" Wolf: Drink.

Inosuke: What... is this...?
Wolf: Medicine... for your illness.

If the Timid Maid is infected Inosuke: I can hear... my mother... wheezing... Forget about me... my mother...

Wolf: Alright.

If the Timid Maid isn't infected Inosuke: Thank... you... (Sips medicine)

Wolf: You'll be better soon...
Inosuke: I... thank you... I'm not ready to die... not yet...

Refusing to give the medicine Inosuke: (Cough, cough...) (Wheezing...) My... dear... mother...
Cured of Dragonrot Inosuke: Oh, it's you. I could barely breathe before, but I feel better now. You... saved me. So now, I survived once again. Forgive me, young master...

Choosing "Give Dragonrot Pellet" Wolf: Hey! Drink this, it's medicine.

Kotaro: (wheezing...) Sure... (Sips medicine)
Wolf: Do you... feel better, now?
Kotaro: Yeah... Why are... you such a good man?

Refusing to give the medicine (at Senpou Temple) Kotaro: (Wheezing....) Everybody...
Refusing to give the medicine (at Ashina Outskirts) Kotaro: (Wheezing....) Mr. ... Anayama...
Cured of Dragonrot Kotaro: Yes. I'm all better now thanks to the medicine you gave me. Thank you kindly.
After Anayama is cured Kotaro: Take a look, see! Anayama, see... all better now! Oh I'm so glad! Oh thank you kindly. You are a really, really good man.

Wolf: .........
Kotaro: I know, here's something to show you my gratitude... Take it, come on!
Wolf: No need.
Kotaro: Oh you must accept it, I won't take no as an answer!
Wolf: Alright.

Choosing "Give Dragonrot Pellet" Wolf: Drink this.

Faithful One: (Sips medicine)
Wolf: You'll be better in no time.
Faithful One: Thank... heavens, thanks heavens...
Wolf: .........

Refusing to give the medicine Faithful One: (Wheezing...) Divine... child...
Cured of Dragonrot Faithful One: Thank heavens, thank heavens! I'm so very grateful for what you did.

Wolf: .........

Leaving afterward Faithful One: Thank... you, thank you! I'm so, so very grateful.

Wolf: .........

Choosing "Give Dragonrot Pellet" Wolf: Drink this.

Jinzaemon: (Sips medicine)
Wolf: You'll be better in no time.
Jinzaemon: Shinobi...
Wolf: Yes...
Jinzaemon: You have... my gratitude, shinobi...

Refusing to give the medicine Jinzaemon: (Wheezing...) Oh... I can hear it...
Cured of Dragonrot Jinzaemon: I can breathe easier now that the sickness is gone. It's all thanks to the medicine you gave me. Truly you have my gratitude.
Leaving afterward Jinzaemon: (Wheezing...) It's easier... to... to breathe now... Truly you have my... my gratitude...

Choosing "Give Dragonrot Pellet" Wolf: Drink this.

Memorial Mob: (Sips medicine) Thanks...

Cured of Dragonrot Memorial Mob: Looks like I've been cured, thanks to you. Thank heavens, now I can continue my life's work of selling offerings. Afterall, no one escapes death. Now, how about an offering?

Choosing "Give Dragonrot Pellet" Wolf: Drink this.

Memorial Mob: (Sips medicine) Thanks...

Cured of Dragonrot Memorial Mob: Looks like I've been cured, thanks to you. Thank heavens, now I can continue my life's work of selling offerings. I expect the Ashina in particular will be needing a lot (eh eh). Now, can I interest you in an offering?

Choosing "Give Dragonrot Pellet" Wolf: Drink this.

Memorial Mob: (Sips medicine) Thank you...

Cured of Dragonrot Memorial Mob: Looks like the curse has been lifted, thanks to you. Thank heavens, now I can continue my life's work of selling offerings. Those who cannot die are tormented and consumed by their grudges. They are truly in need of our offerings. Now, can I interest you in an offering?

Choosing "Give Dragonrot Pellet" Wolf: Drink this.

Fujioka: (Sips medicine) Thanks...

Cured of Dragonrot Fujioka: Hey friend, I've been waiting for you. That medicine's saved my life, I can't thank you enough. Here, take this. Hopefully you'll find it useful. Of course, I've plenty of other tidbits lined up.

Choosing "Give Dragonrot Pellet" Wolf: Take this... It's medicine.

Doujun: Medicine...? My dear shinobi... I'm not... that foolish... What did you say... this bizzare concotion was for...?

Choosing "Say nothing" Doujun: Damn you... This blasted Dragonrot... Interfering... with our treatment...
Answering "Tell him about the medicine" Wolf: It's medicine for the Dragonrot... A doctor named Emma made it

Doujun: Emma...! She's but a child...! How ridiculous...
Wolf: ... Will you drink it?
Doujun: I suppose I could... try it. (Gulps) (Wheezing) My breathing... it... it's...
Wolf: How is it?
Doujun: Be silent... I must track my progress...

Answering "Tell him nothing" Doujun: As... as I thought... I won't... be fooled...
Cured of Dragonrot Wolf: Are you better now...?

Doujun: Not even Lord Dougen was able to succesfully cure the Dragonrot... Emma... You've always been so talented...
Wolf: ... You know her?
Doujun: It's... not any business of yours...

Forcing Doujun to take the medicine Wolf: Here...

Doujun: (Wheezing...) Dosaku...
Wolf: Forgive me...
(Wolf forces the medicine down Doujun's throat)
Doujun: Dosaku, damn you! What did you make me drink?!
Wolf: .........

Leaving Doujun: (Wheezing...) Dosaku, Dosaku... What have I done.... to deserve this...? Damn you, Dosakuuu...
Leaving (alternative) Doujun: Dosaku! So this... this is how you toy with me! What do you have planned next, Dosaku?!

Choosing "Give Dragonrot Pellet" Wolf: Drink.

Shosuke: (Sips medicine)
Wolf: This will make you feel better.
Shosuke : Al...right...

Cured of Dragonrot Shosuke: I don't know how it worked, but I think I'm all better. Of course, I can't assume I'm better yet, otherwise my throat will lit up again. Gotta resist!

Choosing "Give Dragonrot Pellet" Wolf: Drink this.

Memorial Mob: (Sips medicine) Ah thank you...

Cured of Dragonrot Memorial Mob: My horrible thirst has been quenched, thanks to you. Thank heavens, now I can continue my life's work of selling offerings. Doesn't matter if you can die or not, plenty of offerings to be made and drinking to be done. (Mischievous chuckling) Now, can I interest you in an offering?

Choosing "Give Dragonrot Pellet" Wolf: Drink this.

Memorial Mob: (Sips medicine) Ah thank you...

Cured of Dragonrot Memorial Mob: Looks like the spasms have stopped, thanks to you. Thank heavens, now I can continue my life's work of selling offerings. (Cough, hack) Old bones are best suited for spots like this. Now, can I interest you in an offering?

Choosing "Give Dragonrot Pellet" Wolf: Drink this.

Memorial Mob: (Sips medicine) Thanks...

Cured of Dragonrot Memorial Mob: Looks like Buddha's punishment is over, thanks to you. Thank heavens, now I can continue my life's work of selling offerings. I made a promise to those children, afterall. Now, can I interest you in an offering?

Apparently, Hanbei too used to be vulnerable to Dragonrot, as the following icon suggests: Centre
