Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Wiki
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Wiki
Owl Great Shinobi - Owl Owl (Father) Inner Father


Owl (Father) ((義父), (Foster Father)) is the veteran master shinobi in his prime, who took Wolf under his wing as his adoptive son when he was just a kid.

After Wolf defeats Lady Butterfly, he was assassinated by Owl for his own selfish goals of obtaining the Dragon's Blood.

Being younger, Owl is exceedingly stronger and faster and still possesses his magical abilities.


Behaviour and Tactics[]


How To Beat Owl Dad Sekiro no dmg

Phase 1[]

  • Perilous AttackSweeping Talon: dashes rapidly twice before delivering a Perilous Sweep attack. Usually, this is quickly followed by Nimble Strike.
  • Perilous AttackShadowfall: slides and delivers a long-ranged thrust attack, which, if it hits, will be followed with two powerful spinning sword attacks as he descends. It is the very same move which can be learned from Mushin Esoteric Text.
  • Dashing Talon: rushes head on then slashes up to three time before following up with a quick Sweeping Talon.
  • Dominate: when near a posture-broken Wolf, he attempts to step on him. If connected, he steps on top of him and plunges the sword in his neck.
  • Empowered Firecrackers: he jumps back and throw a cloud of delayed exploding firecracker powder and tends to follow up with Exploding Cut.
  • Exploding Cut: quickly jabs with his elbow and slashes, before tossing a cloud of black gunpowder in front then slashes once again, resulting in a powerful exploding cut which able to deals chip damage even with successful deflect.
  • Great Talon: throws two shuriken then jumps forward in a somersault with a strong, dropping smash upon landing. Another variation starts with him side stepping thrice and throws one shuriken. He forgoes the shuriken completely when Wolf is healing nearby. 
  • Mikiri Counter: when being attacked with a thrust attack, Shadowrush/Shadowfall or Loaded Spear, he steps on the weapon, leaps behind Wolf and cuts his back, then plunges the sword deep in his chest.
  • Nimble Strike: rolls forward and delivers a delayed overhead strike. If Wolf step-dodges to his side, he quickly rotates and does a spinning attack, which he connects with another two slashes if it was deflected. When Wolf has moved beyond reach, he will jump forth and does a spinning attack in mid-air.
  • Overwhelming Slice: throws a shuriken then immediately follows up with a powerful guard-breaking slice.
  • Owl's Flight: jump-kicks off Wolf as a stepping stone, leaping back a short distance and only deals Posture damage if connected.
  • Talons: strikes a maximum of two cuts, and tends to follow up with Exploding Cut.

Phase 2[]

He calls forth an ethereal Owl Spirit, aiding him in battle with additional spectacular moves while hovering around.

  • Perilous AttackRaging Fires: calls the Owl back, engulfing it in flame and let it pierce everything in its path, including every Wolf's blocking attempts with Loaded Umbrella. Even when he was interrupted, the Owl Spirit will chase down Wolf regardless once the move has started.
  • Owl's Flight: jump-kicks off Wolf as a stepping stone, leaps high backwards into the air and throws five shuriken in an arc concurrently.
  • Phasing Strike: he disappears, only to reappears where the Owl's at and comes crashing down with a slash. If deflected, he does a Perilous Sweep or a Nimble Strike.

When sprinted towards when he begins to approach it is possible to lock Owl into using the same three moves until the second phase. Unlike his present self, he will keep his distance and is considerably less aggressive. Attack him relentlessly until he uses his firecrackers. Quickly step-dodging to the side will allow one or two solid hits. The same strategy will work with Overwhelming Slice. This tactic should make the fight (Phase 1 especially) considerably easier. 

In Phase 2, the Owl Spirit is not an illusion, therefore the usage of Snap Seed is futile. 


+10,000 Skill Experience Sen 0
Memory Foster Father
Memory: Foster Father
Aromatic Flower
Aromatic Flower


  • Shadowfall is one of the many compound combat arts, which are recorded within the Mushin Esoteric Text, which belongs to Isshin Ashina. This implies that Owl and Isshin once fought each other before.
  • Owl recognizes the Prosthetic Arm of Wolf, suggesting that he knew the Sculptor when he was still a shinobi. Furthermore, when offered the Dragonspring Sake, Isshin will reminesce that when he could get some everyone would go to him to ask for a drink, mentioning Orangutan, Lady Butterfly, Gyoubu and even the Owl among these people.
    • In japanese, Owl directly names the Sculptor: "忍義手は、猩々の得物…" (That shinobi prosthetic arm... it's the Orangutan's special device...)
  • The Owl Spirit shares the same wound on its left eye with his owner.
Talking Owl: That day... I pulled you from the battlefield, a starving cub... I had no idea what you'd become.

Wolf: Father...
Owl: It breaks my heart... but I'm putting you down!

Attacked before talking Owl: Very well!
Firs time using a Prosthetic Tool Owl: The shinobi prosthetic... this was once... Curious device you have there...
After first deathblow Owl: What a fine specimen you've become, Wolf. Allow me to honour your efforts... and show you this old Owl's true power!
Defeating Wolf Owl: Good riddance...starving wolf.
After final deathblow Wolf: Farewell...

Owl: Defeated by my own son? The feeling is not entirely unpleasant...
