Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Wiki
A Combat Art that unleashes a storm of attacks from the sheathed stance; so fast the blade is nigh invisible. Costs Spirit Emblems to use. One must focus their soul on the release of the blade, nothing else. Through that focus, the strikes achieve a god-like speed. Only one as honed as the aging Isshin Ashina could perform this technique.


A Combat Art that does not belong to a tree, unlocked by defeating Isshin Ashina after choosing to obey the Iron Code when asked by Owl atop the Ashina Castle. Costs SpiritEmblems 3 Spirit Emblems to use.


(HOLD GUARD + ATTACK) Enter Sheathed Stance: Assume the sheathed battle stance.

(Release GUARD) Cancel Sheathed Stance: Leave sheathed battle stance.

(Release ATTACK) One Mind: Spends Spirit Emblems to strike once, then perform a flurry of attack at a speed so fast it cannot be seen by the human eye.

(ATTACK after One Mind) Follow-up Attack: Step forward and perform a follow-up attack.


  • In the patch of 1.03, One Mind got a buff: it now uses 3 Spirit emblems instead of 4.
  • Isshin Ashina uses this combat art in battle with Sekiro in the Shura ending as a final boss.