Game Mechanics • Combat Mechanics • Status Effects • New Game Plus • Attack Power • Skill Experience | |||
Bosses | Enemies | Prosthetic Tools | Combat Arts |
When It Starts (Spoilers)[]
After either defeating Isshin Ashina in the Shura ending or Isshin, the Sword Saint in all the other three endings, the credits will roll and at the end the player will be asked if they desire to start the New Game Cycle immediately.
If answered no, the game will inform the player that they can access the subsequent playthrough at any time by interacting with the Dilapidated Temple Sculptor's Idol, where Wolf will be found upon closing the message.
What Carries Over[]
- Stats: Attack Power, Vitality and Posture.
- All charges for the Healing Gourd.
- Prosthetic Tools and Upgrades.
- Sen and Skill Points.
- Almost all items, except certain Key Items and the Mortal Blade.
- The Resurrection node gained for giving the Sakura Droplet to Kuro or the Divine Child of Rejuvenation.
- All learned Combat Arts and Skills, except the Mibu Breathing Technique and Mortal Draw Combat Art (and Empowered Mortal Draw Combat Art, in case it has been unlocked).
What Changes[]
- Kuro's Charm will be once again in Wolf's inventory at the beginning of NG+.
- The Bell Demon and its effect does not carry over to NG+.
- Difficulty increases up to NG+ 7.
- Enemies have increased Vitality and Posture and also deal significantly more Vitality and Posture damage for each NG+ cycle.
- Sen and Skill Experience gains are increased for each NG+ cycle.
- Alternate endings for both the mainquest and sidequests can be attempted.
- All NPCs and world states reset.
- Only Gourd Seeds missed in the first game cycle can be collected in NG+.
- Previously acquired Gourd Seeds elsewhere are replaced with Divine Grass.
- Only Prayer Beads missed in the first game cycle can be collected in NG+.
- Mini-Bosses that were previously defeated will award Heavy Coin Purses instead.
- Previously acquired Prayer Beads elsewhere are replaced with either Bundled Jizo Statues or Divine Grass.
- Only Prosthetic Tools missed in the first game cycle can be collected in NG+.
- Previously acquired Prosthetic Tools are replaced with Bundled Jizo Statues.
- Pot Noble Harunaga and Pot Noble Koremori will now sell and unlimited quantity of Red Lump for 3 each.
Before NG+[]
- Stock up on Quick Items from merchants.
- Obtain all 6 Lapis Lazuli from the first playthrough for Prosthetic Upgrades.
- Find previously missed Prayer Beads and Gourd Seeds.
- Finish any quest left and retrieve its reward.
- Repair the Dancing Dragon Mask by obtaining all three of its pieces.
- Defeat optional Bosses and Mini-Bosses.
- Defeat the Headless Ape that appears past the Poison Pool in Ashina Depths after the Guardian Ape of the Sunken Valley is killed.
- Defeat the Demon of Hatred that appears in Ashina Outskirts after the final invasion of the Central Forces.
- Defeat the Shichimen Warriors for the Ceremonial Tanto, Malcontent (this one only spawns after killing the Headless Ape) and Lapis Lazuli .
- Defeat the Headless for the infinite-use variants of Buddhist Sugars.