Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Wiki
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Wiki
Prosthetic Tools
Divine AbductionDivine Abduction Finger WhistleFinger Whistle Flame VentFlame Vent Loaded AxeLoaded Axe
Loaded ShurikenLoaded Shuriken Loaded SpearLoaded Spear Loaded UmbrellaLoaded Umbrella Mist RavenMist Raven
SabimaruSabimaru Shinobi FirecrackerShinobi Firecracker
A Prosthetic Tool loaded with the feather of a Mist Raven. Costs Spirit Emblems to use.

When attacked in the assumed stance, disappear like the mist and move away.
Once you think you've caught one, all that will remain is feathers. That is the mark of a true Mist Raven.

Mist Raven


Unlocked by giving the Mist Raven's Feathers to the Sculptor. It is found in a hidden pagoda in Hirata Estate near the Bamboo Thicket Slope.


Mist Raven Unlocked - A Complete Guide to the Most Versatile Prosthetic in Sekiro- Shadows Die Twice


Mist Stance: When attacked in this stance, instantly move either in the direction chosen or straight up should no direction be provided. Costs SpiritEmblems 2 Spirit Emblems to use. The Spirit Emblems will not be consumed upon activated, but rather upon triggered.


Upgraded Versions[]

Aged Feather Mist Raven
Aged Feather Mist Raven Mist Raven feathers with notches in the tips. Costs Spirit Emblems to use.

Disappear like the mist and move away. Can be performed not only from the assumed stance, but also after taking damage.
The slight notches in the tips of the feathers give the appearance of an old Mist Raven. They are there to allow one to dissolve into the mist even more easily.

Upgrade Cost
  • Sen 500
Scrap Magnetite
Scrap Magnetite x2
Lump of Fat Wax
Lump of Fat Wax x1
Black Gunpowder
Black Gunpowder x2
Spirit Emblem Cost SpiritEmblems 2 Spirit Emblems
Mist Stance
When attacked in this stance, instantly move in the direction chosen.
(Use after being attacked) Mist Raven
Instantly move in the direction chosen.
Great Feather Mist Raven
Great Feather Mist Raven Mist Raven fused with crimson feathers. Costs Spirit Emblems to use.

Disappear and displace, like the mist. Can be performed from both the assumed stance and after taking damage. Dyed red to resemble the Great Mist Raven.
The feathers vanish in a scorching wake. The great raven is a god of the land, and the touch of gods is to be feared.

Upgrade Cost
  • Sen 1500
Lump of Fat Wax
Lump of Fat Wax x4
Yellow Gunpowder
Yellow Gunpowder x4
Lump of Grave Wax
Lump of Grave Wax x3
Fulminated Mercury
Fulminated Mercury x3
Spirit Emblem Cost

SpiritEmblems 3 Spirit Emblems

Red Mist Stance
When attacked in this stance, instantly move in the direction chosen. The feathers left behind alight and burn enemies along your path.
(Use after taking damage) Red Mist Raven
Instantly move in the direction chosen. The feathers left behind alight and burn enemies along your path.