Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Wiki

Mibu Villagers are a normal enemy in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. They are commonly found in Ashina Depths, Senpou Temple and Sunken Valley.


Mibu Villagers are the sick inhabitants of Ashina Depths. Inebriated by the waters of the village, they seek to become "citizens of the palace", as their Head Priest instructed them.



There are seven types of Villagers:


  • Hit with Stone: when engaged, it picks up a small rock and attempts fighting with it.
  • Swing: some wield a small mallet they swing in a short arc or a rake that it will use to attack in a flurry.
Mibu Fisherman

Plow-wielding Villager[]

  • Overhead Swing: raises the plow above its head to do a single overhead swing in front of itself.
Mibu Villager Plow

Plank-wielding Villager[]

  • Wide Swing: swings its makeshift plank slowly to the side, staggering itself in the process. If it connects with a block or hit, it'll chain it into another, reverse Swing.
Mibu Villager Plank

Stick-wielding Villager[]

  • Perilous AttackPerilous Stab: lunges forward, attempting to stab its target with its stick.
Mibu Villager Stick


+87 Skill Experience Sen 9
Fistful of Ash
Fistful of Ash
Ceramic Shard
Ceramic Shard


  • Some respawn from the ground up to five times.

Lantern-wielding Villager[]

  • Terror AttackThrow: reaches down onto the ground to grab a stone then hauls it at its target, inflicting Terror build-up.
Mibu Villager Lantern


+87 Skill Experience Sen 9
Fistful of Ash
Fistful of Ash
Ceramic Shard
Ceramic Shard


  • Some respawn from the ground up to five times.

Burrowed Villager[]

  • Perilous AttackPerilous Grab: grabs Wolf by the legs, immobilizing him. Doesn't deal any damage.


  • Hides underneath sakura petals.
  • Doesn't respawn from the ground nor drops anything.

Mibu Village Hag[]

  • Perilous AttackPerilous Hysteria: charges at the target with open hands. If connected, she will make Wolf stumble to the floor where she'll stab him repeatedly.
  • Flurry: repeated slashes with her knife.
  • Forward Stab: lunges forward with the knife, stabbing her target.
Mibu Village Hag


+128 Skill Experience Sen 9
Black Gunpowder
Black Gunpowder
Pacifying Agent
Pacifying Agent    


  • Doesn't respawn from the ground.

While they're not a threat by themself, in great numbers they can easily overwhelm Wolf.

The first target should always be the Burrowed Villager, as his Grab Attack will expose Sekiro to any attack of all the other enemies.

Then it's important to get rid of the Lantern-wielding Villager, as he'll constantly throw Terror-inducing projectiles, while Wolf is busy fighting the rest of the horde.

After these, the only thing to watch out for is the Mibu Village Hag's Perilous Hysteria Grab Attack.

The Whirlwind Slash comes in handy when facing many of these Villagers together.

Due to their low Vitality, they can be taken out safely with Shurikens.


