- A Beast's Karma
- A Shinobi's Karma - Body
- A Shinobi's Karma - Mind
- Abandoned Dungeon
- Adamantite Scrap
- Ako
- Ako's Spiritfall
- Ako's Sugar
- Anayama the Peddler
- Another's Memory: Ashina
- Another's Memory: Shura
- Another's Memory: Tengu
- Anti-air Deathblow
- Anti-air Deathblow Text
- Antidote Powder
- Armoured Warrior
- Aromatic Branch
- Aromatic Flower
- Ascending Carp
- Ashina
- Ashina Castle
- Ashina Clan
- Ashina Cross
- Ashina Depths
- Ashina Elite - Jinsuke Saze
- Ashina Elite - Ujinari Mizuo
- Ashina Esoteric Text
- Ashina Outskirts
- Ashina Sake
- Ashina Samurai
- Ashina Soldier
- Attack Power
- Bandit
- Basket Wearer Shosuke
- Battlefield Memorial Mob
- Bell Demon
- Bestowal Ninjutsu
- Bite Down
- Black Gunpowder
- Black Scroll
- Blackhat Badger
- Blazing Bull
- Bloodsmoke Ninjutsu
- Breath of Life - Light
- Breath of Life - Shadow
- Breath of Nature - Light
- Breath of Nature - Shadow
- Bulging Coin Purse
- Bundled Jizo Statue
- Cannoneer
- Carp
- Categories
- Centipedes
- Central Force Agent
- Central Forces
- Ceramic Shard
- Ceremonial Tanto
- Chained Ogre
- Chasing Slice
- Contact Medicine
- Corrupted Monk
- Cricket
- Crow's Bed Memorial Mob
- Dancing Dragon Mask
- Decaying Inmate
- Demon of Hatred
- Descending Carp
- Devotion
- Divine Abduction
- Divine Child of Rejuvenation
- Divine Child of Rejuvenation/Dialogue
- Divine Confetti
- Divine Dragon
- Divine Dragon's Tears
- Divine Grass
- Divine Realm
- Dog
- Dogen
- Dosaku's Note
- Doujun
- Dousing Powder
- Dragon's Blood Droplet
- Dragon's Heritage
- Dragon's Tally Board
- Dragon Flash
- Dragonrot Blood Sample
- Dragonspring Pilgrimage
- Dragonspring Sake
- Dried Serpent Viscera
- Dungeon Memorial Mob
- Dying Monk
- Eel Liver
- Emma
- Emma's Medicine - Aroma
- Emma's Medicine - Potency
- Emma/Dialogue
- Empowered Mortal Draw
- Ending 1: Shura
- Ending 2: Immortal Severance
- Ending 3: Purification
- Ending 4: Return
- Exiled Memorial Mob
- Faithful One
- Faithful One (Bottomless Hole)
- Faithful One (Senpou Temple)
- Faithful One (Sunken Valley)
- Fang and Blade
- Father's Bell Charm
- Fine Snow
- Finger Whistle
- Fistful of Ash
- Five-Colour Rice
- Flame Barrel
- Flame Barrel Memo
- Flame Vent
- Floating Passage
- Floating Passage Text
- Flowing Water
- Folding Screen Monkeys
- Fountainhead Palace
- Fragrant Flower Note
- Fresh Serpent Viscera
- Frozen Tears
- Fujioka the Info Broker
- Fulminated Mercury
- Gachiin
- Gachiin's Spiritfall
- Gachiin's Sugar
- Game Mechanics
- Gatehouse Key
- Gauntlet of Strength
- General Kuranosuke Matsumoto
- General Naomori Kawarada
- General Tamura
- General Tenzen Yamauchi
- Genichiro Ashina
- Genichiro Ashina, Second Encounter
- Giant Straw Doll
- Gokan
- Gokan's Spiritfall
- Gokan's Sugar
- Gourd Seed
- Grappling Hook Attack
- Great Coloured Carp
- Great Serpent
- Great Shinobi - Owl
- Great White Whisker
- Green Mossy Gourd
- Guardian Ape
- Gun Fort Shrine Key
- Gyoubu's Broken Horn
- Gyoubu Masataka Oniwa
- Hanbei the Undying
- Head Priest
- Headless
- Headless Ape
- Healing Gourd
- Heavy Coin Purse
- Herb Catalogue Scrap
- Hidden Temple Key
- Hidden Tooth
- High Monk
- Hirachika Takamine
- Hirata
- Hirata Estate
- Holy Chapter: Dragon's Return
- Holy Chapter: Infested
- Homeward Idol
- Ichimonji
- Ichimonji - Double
- Illusive Hall Bell
- Illusory Hall Monk
- Immortal Monk
- Immortal Severance
- Immortal Severance Scrap
- Immortal Severance Text
- Inner Father
- Inner Genichiro
- Inner Isshin
- Inosuke Nogami
- Interior Ministry
- Interior Ministry Agent
- Iron Fortress
- Isshin's Letter
- Isshin's Pupil
- Isshin, the Sword Saint
- Isshin Ashina
- Isshin Ashina (Shura)
- Jinza's Jizo Statue
- Jinzaemon Kumano
- Juzou the Drunkard
- Kodou Takamine
- Kotaro
- Kuro's Charm
- Kuro, The Divine Heir
- Kusabimaru
- Lady Butterfly
- Lapis Lazuli
- Large Fan
- Leader Shigenori Yamauchi
- Lesser Centipede
- Light Coin Purse
- Living Force
- Lizard
- Loaded Axe
- Loaded Shuriken
- Loaded Spear
- Loaded Umbrella
- Lone Shadow Longswordsman
- Lone Shadow Masanaga the Spear-Bearer
- Lone Shadow Vilehand
- Lone Shadows
- Long-Arm Centipede Sen'un
- Long-arm Centipede Giraffe
- Lord Takeru
- Lotus of the Palace
- Lump of Fat Wax
- Lump of Grave Wax
- Maid of the Dojo
- Main Hall Monk
- Malcontent's Ring
- Mask Fragment: Dragon
- Mask Fragment: Left
- Mask Fragment: Right
- Master's Chamberlain
- Mechanical Barrel
- Memorial Mob
- Memories
- Memory of Another
- Mibu Balloon of Soul
- Mibu Balloon of Spirit
- Mibu Balloon of Wealth
- Mibu Breathing Technique
- Mibu Pilgrimage Balloon
- Mibu Possession Balloon
- Mibu Villager
- Mid-air Combat Arts
- Mid-air Deflection
- Mid-air Prosthetic Tool
- Mikiri Counter
- Ministry Dousing Powder
- Mist Noble
- Mist Raven
- Mist Raven's Feathers
- Monkey
- Monkey Booze
- Mortal Blade
- Mortal Draw
- Most Virtuous Deed
- Mottled Purple Gourd
- Mushin Esoteric Text
- Music of Sekiro
- New Game Plus
- Nightjar
- Nightjar Beacon Memo
- Nightjar Monocular
- Nightjar Slash
- Nightjar Slash Reversal
- Nightjars
- Nogami Gensai
- O'Rin of the Water
- Offering Box
- Oil
- Okami's Ancient Text
- Okami Leader Shizu
- Okami Warrior
- Old Palace Maids
- One Mind
- Original Memory: Wolf
- Ornamental Letter
- Owl
- Owl (Father)
- Pacifying Agent
- Page's Diary
- Palace Dog
- Palace Noble
- Pellet
- Persimmon
- Phantom Kunai (Upgrade Material)
- Pine Resin Ember
- Pot Noble Harunaga
- Pot Noble Koremori
- Prayer Bead
- Praying Strikes
- Praying Strikes - Exorcism
- Precious Bait
- Projected Force
- Promissory Note
- Prosthetic Esoteric Text
- Puppeteer Ninjutsu
- Rat
- Rat Description
- Recovery Charm
- Red Carp Eyes
- Red Guard (Lore)
- Red Lump
- Red and White Pinwheel
- Reflection of Strength
- Remnant
- Remnants
- Research
- Rice
- Rice for Kuro
- Robert's Firecrackers
- Rock Diver
- Rooster
- Rot Essence
- Rotting Prisoner's Note
- Run and Slide
- Sabimaru
- Sabimaru (Upgrade Material)
- Sabimaru Memo
- Sakura Bull of the Palace
- Sakura Dance
- Sakura Droplet
- Scrap Iron
- Scrap Magnetite
- Sculptor
- Sculptor's Idol
- Sculptor's Karma - Blood
- Sculptor's Karma - Scars
- Sculptor/Dialogue
- Secret Passage Key
- Sekiro
- Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
- Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Wiki
- Sekiro Side Story: Hanbei the Undying
- Sekiro Side Story: Hanbei the Undying Chapter 1
- Sekiro Side Story: Hanbei the Undying Chapter 2
- Sekiro Side Story: Hanbei the Undying Chapter 3
- Sekiro Side Story: Hanbei the Undying Chapter 4
- Sekiro Side Story: Hanbei the Undying Chapter 5
- Sekiro Side Story: Hanbei the Undying Chapter 6
- Sekiro Side Story: Hanbei the Undying Chapter 7
- Sekiro Side Story: Hanbei the Undying Chapter 8
- Sen
- Senpou Esoteric Text
- Senpou Leaping Kicks
- Senpou Monk
- Senpou Temple
- Seven Ashina Spears - Shikibu Toshikatsu Yamauchi
- Seven Ashina Spears - Shume Masaji Oniwa
- Shadowfall
- Shadowrush
- Shelter Stone