Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Wiki
Prosthetic Tools
Divine AbductionDivine Abduction Finger WhistleFinger Whistle Flame VentFlame Vent Loaded AxeLoaded Axe
Loaded ShurikenLoaded Shuriken Loaded SpearLoaded Spear Loaded UmbrellaLoaded Umbrella Mist RavenMist Raven
SabimaruSabimaru Shinobi FirecrackerShinobi Firecracker
A Prosthetic Tool loaded with a heavy Shinobi Axe. Costs Spirit Emblems to use.

The strength of the Loaded Axe lies in its heft.
One strike can easily turn a wooden shield into splinters or shred an enemy's posture.

Loaded Axe


This tool is unlocked by giving the Shinobi Axe of the Monkey to the Sculptor. It is found in a small shrine in Hirata Estate near two guards, bickering about raiding hallowed sites.

The Loaded Axe is one of the more straightforward Prosthetic Tool with the base feature of allowing Sekiro to do a powerful overhead slam with the axe's heavy blade, dealing more vitality and posture damage in a single hit than a regular swing with Kusabimaru, though at the cost of a lengthy wind-up. This overhead slam gives a momentary resistance to staggering from all but the most powerful (or fatal) attacks, meaning Sekiro will finish the attack animation even if he's taking small hits from enemies. This could both work as an advantage for or undoing of players because the attack animation cannot be cancelled unless Sekiro dies or is caught by a strong/grab attack, thus understanding an enemy's attack pattern is vital in using the tool effectively and safely. The stagger resistance effect is carried over into the Tool's Fang and Blade attack animation.

All variant of the Loaded Axe are capable of breaking wooden shields and the larger-sized wooden hats of Senpou temple assassins, and this is usually the most obvious incentive to use the Loaded Axe. Other possible use includes punishing enemies who are in a wind-up of doing a powerful attack or those who are recovering after doing one. The Mid-Air Prosthetic Tool allows a more instantaneous use of the Prosthetic Tool, since the overhead slam has a much shorter wind-up when executed mid-air; This gives player a powerful air-to-ground attack that makes jumping opportunities especially rewarding: players can directly counter enemies who do sweep attacks (that are usually avoided by jumping straight up) or add a powerful finisher to kick-jump maneuver.

The Spring Load upgrade adds a feature of spinning attack where Sekiro can continuously spin horizontally in a certain rhythm with the Axe acting as the centrifugal force. This attack shares the same lengthy wind-up and cost 2 Spirit emblems per-spin. Concluding the attack undisturbed will have Sekiro finish with a regular overhead slam. While good at inflicting high damage to multiple enemies, Sekiro can't move around quickly while spinning, thus this attack is best used in a tight room against enemies who both stagger easily and aren't too agile.

The Sparking Axe upgrade is an overall improvement from previous forms. While keeping the features of the Spring Load, the axe blade now ignites with combustive flame when in use, increasing its Posture and Vitality damage and allowing it to build up the Burn status on enemies. The overhead slam in particular creates huge explosion of fire that can catch enemies around the impact. This upgrade is arguably the best variant for players who make god use of oils to easily ignite enemies and disable their Posture recovery.

Lazulite Axe is more of a trade-off compared to the Sparking Axe rather than a straightforward improvement. This variant lacks the ability to build up Burn status, but comes with a guard-piercing effect on top of the highest Vitality and Posture damage of any Loaded Axe variant. This upgrade in general is more suited for players who actively engage in exchange of physical blows without relying on status build-ups. In a more specific occasion, the axe's blow has the same effect as Snap Seeds, dispelling illusions such as those utilized by Lady Butterfly and deals massive damage against the Corrupted Monk illusion of Mibu Village.


Strike: Swing the axe down from above to strike an enemy. Destroys wooden shields. Costs SpiritEmblems 2 Spirit Emblems to use.


Upgraded Versions[]

Spring-load Axe
Spring-load Axe A Loaded Axe reinforced with a spring mechanism. Costs Spirit Emblems to use.

The strength of the Loaded Axe lies in its heft. The weight allows one to shrug off incoming attacks, and can easily turn a wooden shield into splinters.
Storing and unleashing energy in the spring mechanism allows for large, sweeping attacks despite its weight.

Upgrade Cost
  • Sen 400
Scrap Iron
Scrap Iron x5
Spirit Emblem Cost SpiritEmblems 2 Spirit Emblems
Swing the axe down from above to strike an enemy. Destroys wooden shields.
(Hold) Whirling Strike
Whirl the axe in circles to strike enemies. Pressing the associated button during Whirling Strike will cause one to whirl again, continuing the attack.
Sparking Axe
Sparking Axe A loaded Axe with an attached percussion hammer to create flame. Costs Spirit Emblems to use.

Metes out attacks bathed in flame from axe's blade. Hitting the sparking percussion hammer causes a violent eruption of flames and increases the effective area of the attack.
This is both firearm and heavy axe.



Upgrade Cost
  • Sen 1000
Adamantite Scrap
Adamantite Scrap x2
Yellow Gunpowder
Yellow Gunpowder x2
Scrap Iron
Scrap Iron x4
Black Gunpowder
Black Gunpowder x4
Spirit Emblem Cost SpiritEmblems 2 Spirit Emblems
Bring a flaming axe down from above to strike an enemy. Destroys shields made of wood, and creates a roar of flames on hit.
(Hold) Whirling
Whirling the flaming axe around in circles to strike enemies. Pressing the associated button during Whirling Strike will cause one to whirl again, continuing the attack.
Lazulite Axe
Lazulite Axe A Loaded Axe blessed with the favor of the Fountainhead Lapis Lazuli. Costs Spirit Emblems to use.

The hefty lazulite blade inflicts damage even on guarding enemies. The sound of the lapis lazuli blade striking home creates a powerful reverberation capable of dispelling enemy illusions.



Upgrade Cost
  • Sen 3000
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli x3
Adamantite Scrap
Adamantite Scrap x5
Fulminated Mercury
Fulminated Mercury x3
Lump of Grave Wax
Lump of Grave Wax x3
Spirit Emblem Cost SpiritEmblems 2 Spirit Emblems
Lazulite Strike
Swing the heavy Lazulite Axe downward, causing a sound shockwave that dispels illusions.
(Hold) Lazulite Scythe
Whirl the heavy Lazulite Axe around in circles to strike enemies. Pressing the associated button during Lazulite Scythe will cause one to whirl again, continuing the attack.