Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Wiki

Long Shadows are a normal enemy in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. They are commonly found in Ashina Castle, Ashina Depths and Hirata Estate.


The specialized unit belong to the Interior Ministry who handles all sorts of clandestine operations, such as scouting and infiltrating the Ashina Castle from the inside.

One is waiting on the roof of the three-story pagoda which Anayama the Peddler gives a memo about.

Several found in Ashina Castle after it is invaded. One accompanies Lone Shadow Vilehand in the Ashina Dojo.

Behaviour and Tactics[]

  • Chasing Slice: dashes forward, slashing his sword.
  • Descending Slash: hops up then comes down with a slash, kicking up dust, then rolling away to recover.
  • Slash: raise his sword and slashes twice.
  • Kick: kicks forward.
  • Pirouette Kick: turns around kicking, following up with two slashes.
  • Recover: channels a bright aura while restoring Posture.
  • Whirlwind Kick: hops into the air, executing a maximum numbers of 5 kicks, and may end with an early Perilous Thrusting Kick.
  • Perilous AttackPerilous Thrusting Kick: readies his foot then kicks his attacker hard.
  • Perilous AttackPerilous Leg Sweep: lunges onto the ground and performs a sweep kick, turning around.
  • Perilous AttackPerilous Leg Sweep Follow Up: steps sideway then does a quick chasing slice, follows by a sweep kick.
  • (Vilehand variant only)Poison AttackSnake's Bites: enacts in a stance then delivers two medium ranged Poisonous strikes, bypassing guards. He may follow up with Concentrated Poison Strike.
  • (Vilehand variant only) Poison AttackViper Thrust: thrusts forward after a short windup, executing a single poisonous strike.
  • (Vilehand variant only) Poison AttackConcentration Poison Strike: holds his sword in front of him vertically for a moment then slices in an upperhead arc in front of him with his hand, inflicting Poison.

Making sure to deflect his attacks, and attack whenever the agent attempts to rest, this fight should be easy, and in any case the player should attempt to only fight them one on one. His Perilous Leg Sweep as well as it's follow up should be jump-kick countered, and his Perilous Thrusting Kick should be countered using the Mikiri Counter, dealing severe posture damage.

When fighting the Vilehand variation (helmet-less), one should be sure to bring some Antidote Powder or even Contact Medicine, and the Green Mossy Gourd certainly helps. Be sure to dodge his Poison attacks, rather than deflecting them as they still inflict Poison when deflected or parried.

