Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Wiki
Owl Great Shinobi - Owl Owl (Father)


Great Shinobi - Owl (大忍び 梟) is met again atop the Ashina Castle roof, attempting to convince Kuro to join him. Kuro refuses, understanding that he too has been seduced by the Dragon's Heritage. When Wolf confronts his foster father, Owl will inform him that he faked his own death and now seeks the power of the Divine Heir's blood, ordering his son to respect the Iron Code and abandon his master. If Wolf refuses, he expresses a deep remorse and, after pretending to appear defeated, draws his sword on Wolf as he has his back turned.


Behaviour and Tactics[]

Phase 1[]

  • Dashing Talon: rushes head on then slashes up to three time before using Firecracker Retreat. If not he tends to follows up with Owl's Flight.
  • Healing Denial Bomb: steps forth then tosses a slow dropping toxic bomb, preventing the usage of Healing Gourd and other healing items. This attack is often preceded by a slash attack.
  • Dominate: when near a posture-broken Wolf, he attempts to step on him. If connected, he steps on top of Wolf and plunges the sword into his neck. (Note:This attack does not have a Perilous Indicator)
  • Exploding Cut: when being attacked relentlessly from Wolf, he quickly counters with an elbow strike and a slash, before tossing a cloud of black gunpowder in front then slashes, resulting in a powerful exploding cut which able to deals chip damage if not deflected successfully.
  • Firecracker Retreat: he jumps back and throw a cloud of delayed exploding firecracker powder.
  • Great Talon: throws two shuriken then jumps forward in a somersault with a strong, dropping smash upon landing. He may forgo the shuriken completely when Wolf is healing nearby.
  • Mikiri Counter: when being attacked with a thrust attack, Shadowrush/Shadowfall or Loaded Spear, he steps on the weapon, leaps behind Wolf and cuts his back, then plunges the sword deep in his chest.
  • Overwhelming Slice: throws a shuriken then immediately follows up with a powerful guard-breaking slice.
  • Owl's Flight: jump kicks off Wolf as a stepping stone, leaps backwards high into the air and throws five shuriken in an arc concurrently.
  • Sideway Chase: runs from the right side and does an upward cut, either followed by another two slices or the usage of a Healing Denial Bomb.
  • Smoke And Mirror: Immedietly upon landing the first deathblow, Owl's health bar will disappear and he will get down all fours, begging for mercy. This is a trick; when approached or attacked, Owl swiftly leaps off and throws a smoke bomb. He can not be damaged while feigning surrender and he only uses this move once in a playthrough.
  • Talons: cuts twice, before spinning around cutting two more times.

Phase 2[]

  • Poison AttackOwl's Flight - Poison: jump kicks off Wolf as a stepping stone, leaps backwards high into the air and throws a couple of toxic bombs which leave long lasting poisonous trails on the floor concurrently. He tends to follow up with Overwhelming Slice.
  • Recover: raises his sword then becomes engulfed in a bright aura and restores Posture.
  • Smoke Bomb: drops a smoke bomb, obscuring Wolf's vision and lock-on of him. He follows up with either Deny Healing Bomb or Sideway Chase.

Before engaging the Great Shinobi in battle, ready an Antidote Powder in case the Owl's poison attacks build up in Phase 2. Because most of the Owl's attacks can heavily damage Posture, having a Gokan's Spiritfall, Gokan's Sugar or Persimmon ready helps. Owl is also susceptible to Shinobi Firecracker, but beware that he can also perform that attack. The firecracker is especially useful to create a window to use the Healing Gourd. Since his posture will replenish quickly if his Vitality isn't harmed, mixing the Flame Vent (especially its upgraded modes, which can charge their attacks) and Oil can both damage his health massively and prevent Posture regeneration if they inflict Burn on the boss. The Loaded Axe can easily fill up his Posture meter, but it's only safe to use after Owl performs a heavy attack.

Do not attempt any thrusting attack or using the Loaded Spear in front of Owl or unless he's recovering from his heavier attacks, this is because he can easily perform a Mikiri Counter on these attacks and follow up with powerful finishers that would often kill Sekiro.

Because his attacks are so singular, a general tactic to whittle away his health is to strafe around him from a safe distance until an opening presents itself for attack, usually by baiting his somersault attack or his healing bomb, which allow for openings to damage his vitality. For the jumping somersault attack, dodge to the side or in front, and as soon as Owl lands he can be attacked 1-2 times before he blocks and resumes attacking, requiring a block. When he charges forward to kick, dodge backwards to avoid it, then rush in for a couple quick hits.

If at any point your posture breaks, stay on the ground until he is about to step on you, and roll towards his left or right. This lets you get around 2-3 hits if done properly.

If Owl tries to counter with the Exploding cut move, deflect the first two hits, and dash backwards or to the right of his final slash to avoid all damage, after this attack, he is open to about 1-2 hits, so make sure to capitalize on this.

When Owl pauses to throw a small green orb into the air, it's best to run away as being caught in its area of effect will prevent healing for a short period of time, but it's also possible to punish this move by unlocking and dashing behind him, who'll now be completely defenseless until he turns around to face the player, allowing for a free strike. Beware of where you're dashing as you can accidentally dash the wrong way and get heal blocked instead.

Beware of his poisonous jump attack in Phase 2, and that the area where the poison bombs fall should be avoided for a short while as to not be inflicted with Poison build-up, if needed, bring Contact Medicine to this battle, allowing you to fight him without worrying about the poison on the ground. He also often uses this attack when his Posture meter is halfway full to perform his Recovery move, so it's advised to have Shurikens ready to interrupt him from a safe distance.

When he drops a smoke bomb to obscure his next move, it is best to stand still and hold the block button while trying to re-establish lock-on as quick as possible rather than running away as he usually follows it up with a running slash.


+6000 Skill Experience Sen 0
Memory Great Shinobi
Memory: Great Shinobi
Aromatic Branch
Aromatic Branch
Owl Asking Kuro to Go With Him Kuro:I remember you well. I heard stories of your death, yet here you are. What are you plotting, Owl?

Owl:Plotting? I would do no such thing. Now, my lord. I must ask that you accompany me. This old bird has but one desire. To protect the Divine Heir from who might take his esteemed blood.
Kuro:So, the Dragon's Heritage has seduced you, too? Then there is nothing to discuss. Take your leave.
Owl:I would, my lord, but... I'm so stunned by this view, I'd like to take it in just a while longer. I'll leave when I've had my fill.

Approaching Wolf: Father... To think you were...still alive...

Owl: That was my design. But the same can be said for you - I was certain you died that night.
Wolf: The power of the Divine Heir brought me back.
Owl: That's it!
Wolf: What...?
Owl: The Divine Heir's power... the Dragon's blood must be mine.
Wolf: Father...
Owl: Remember the first rule of the code. As your father, I order you to forsake your master. From this moment, he is your master no more.
Wolf: Forsake... The Divine Heir?
Owl: Listen to me, Wolf... Obey your father's command, and forsake the Divine Heir.

Obey Iron Code Wolf: ...As you command.

Owl: In accordance with your father's word, you will forsake the Divine Heir... You understand now, don't you?

Confirm Obeying Iron Code Wolf: ... Yes. The code is absolute. I hereby forsake my master... the Divine Heir.

Owl: I expected no less from you, my boy. With this, our supreme reign will...
(Emma approaching)
Owl: It seems we have a... troubling guest. But to oppose the daughter of the late Lord Dogen... Would be quite the insult. A disgrace!
(Throws shuriken at Emma who deflects them)
Owl: My, my... Not bad at all. Wolf. I leave this to you. Have at it. Tear her apart.
Wolf: Sir.
Emma: I have witnessed Shura once before. The very same stirs inside of you. As such, you must be destroyed.

During Shura Ending Owl: That took a while... but it was well worth the wait. Despite his age, few could hope to defeat a man such as Isshin. I would expect no less from my own. Now, nothing stands in our way. Ashina, the Interior Ministers- the whole country is ours for the taking! I, Ukonzaemon Usu-

(Wolf stabs him in the back)
Wh- Why... why would you... Shura...!

Change Mind, Break Iron Code Wolf: ...I cannot do as you ask.

Owl: You... what? A shinobi... showing the likes of... compassion? Unthinkable... such a miserable display.
Owl: Ugh... Why, boy? Why can't you understand your father's will? Have you forgotten the Shinobi Code?
Wolf: A code must be determined by the individual... This is what I've decided. Just as my master did.
(Owl attacks Wolf but he deflects him)
Owl: Hmm. Seems you've grown, if just a little. Have it your way... Young Wolf.

Break Iron Code Wolf: ...I cannot do as you ask.

Owl: You... what? A shinobi... showing the likes of... compassion Unthinkable... such a miserable display.
Owl: Ugh... Why, boy? Why can't you understand your father's will? Have you forgotten the Shinobi Code?
Wolf: A code must be determined by the individual... This is what I've decided. Just as my master did.
(Owl attacks Wolf but he deflects him)
Owl: Hmm. Seems you've grown, if just a little. Have it your way... Young Wolf.

Engaging in Combat Wolf: ...Enough talk!

Owl: Been a while since we did this. Give me your all!

Ending Phase 1 Owl: WAIT... wait, please!
If Approached while kneeling Owl: You fool!
If Attacked while kneeling Owl: It warms my heart, Wolf! To see how you've grown!
Defeating Wolf Owl: One...! The parent is absolute. Their will must be obeyed! ...yet I'm sensing some insubordination!

Owl: Two...! The master is absolute. You give your life to keep him safe. You bring him back at any cost. ...At this rate, you'll lose him again!

Owl: Three...! Fear is absolute. There is no shame in losing one battle. But you must take revenge by any means necessary! ...I wonder if you've got it in you - to bring me down.

Owl: No more than a stray dog after all.

During Deathblow Wolf: Death of a shadow... You taught me well.

Owl: That's... my boy...

Talking after each defeat Owl: Unthinkable... such a miserable display.