Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Wiki
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Wiki
Prosthetic Tools
Divine AbductionDivine Abduction Finger WhistleFinger Whistle Flame VentFlame Vent Loaded AxeLoaded Axe
Loaded ShurikenLoaded Shuriken Loaded SpearLoaded Spear Loaded UmbrellaLoaded Umbrella Mist RavenMist Raven
SabimaruSabimaru Shinobi FirecrackerShinobi Firecracker
A Prosthetic Tool made from a loaded Flame Barrel. Costs Spirit Emblems to use.

Deals fire damage to enemies via a short-range blast of fire while also inflicting Burn status.
It is difficult to control the rage of those with "Red Eyes" through the power of man alone. They do, however, fear the flame above all else. This tool has the power to make them tremble.

Flame Vent


Unlocked by giving the Flame Barrel to the Sculptor. It is found in a bonfire at Hirata Estate, after the Estate Path Idol.


Fire Breath: Shoots a blast of fire in front of Wolf. Costs SpiritEmblems 3 Spirit Emblems to use.


Upgraded Versions[]

Spring-load Flame Vent
Spring-load Flame Vent A Flame Barrel fitted with a gunpowder-loaded mechanism. Costs Spirit Emblems to use.

Deals damage to enemies with gouts of fire, inflicting Burn status abnormality. The spring mechanism can also be charged to release a massive blast of flames and hot air, sending opponents flying.

Upgrade Cost
  • Sen 400
Scrap Iron
Scrap Iron x3
Black Gunpowder
Black Gunpowder x4
Spirit Emblem Cost SpiritEmblems 3 Spirit Emblems
Fire Breath
Shoot fire in front of you.
(Hold) Flame Blast
Charge up the spring mechanism to unleash a fire blast in front of you.

The flame blast knocks enemies backward.

Okinaga's Flame Vent
Okinaga's Flame Vent A barrel containing smoldering resin that acts as an explosive catalyst. Costs Spirit Emblems to use.

Emits a short-range flame blast. Continuous fire damage will inflict the burn status.
It is able to maintain a continues stream of flames due to the smoldering resin inside of the tube mechanism.

Upgrade Cost
  • Sen 1000
Pine Resin Ember
Pine Resin Ember
Scrap Magnetite
Scrap Magnetite x2
Black Gunpowder
Black Gunpowder x6
Spirit Emblem Cost

SpiritEmblems 3 Spirit Emblems

Fire Breath
Shoots a blast of fire in front of you.
(Hold) Flame Blast
Charge up the spring mechanism to release a huge blast of fire before you. The powerful blast knocks enemies backward.
(Press, Release, Then Hold) Flowing Flames
A continuous spray of fire before you.
Lazulite Sacred Flame
Lazulite Sacred Flame A Flame Barrel blessed with the favor of the Fountainhead Lapis Lazuli. Costs Spirit Emblems to use.

Damages even apparitions with its blazing purple flame. The flame does not, however, inflict the Burn status abnormality.
The sacred lapis lazuli fires are divine. Cleanse the deep-seated hatred with flame.

Upgrade Cost
  • Sen 3000
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli x3
Fulminated Mercury
Fulminated Mercury x4
Lump of Grave Wax
Lump of Grave Wax x4
Yellow Gunpowder
Yellow Gunpowder x7
Lump of Fat Wax
Lump of Fat Wax x7
Spirit Emblem Cost

SpiritEmblems 3 Spirit Emblems

Sacred Flame
Shoot flames of holy power before you. Effective against apparitions.
(Hold) Sacred Flame Blast
Release a blast of holy flame before you. The powerful blast knocks enemies backward.
(Hold then release) Flowing Sacred Flames
A continuous spray of holy flame before you.