Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Wiki
Prosthetic Tools
Divine AbductionDivine Abduction Finger WhistleFinger Whistle Flame VentFlame Vent Loaded AxeLoaded Axe
Loaded ShurikenLoaded Shuriken Loaded SpearLoaded Spear Loaded UmbrellaLoaded Umbrella Mist RavenMist Raven
SabimaruSabimaru Shinobi FirecrackerShinobi Firecracker
A Prosthetic Tool created by fitting a slender finger to the prosthetic. Costs Spirit Emblems to use.

Its sound will grab an enemy's attention and draw them to the whistle's location. By locking on to a target, only the targeted enemy will hear the whistle.
The sound of the finger whistle enrages beasts, making them unable to distinguish friend from foe.

Finger Whistle


Unlocked by giving the Slender Finger to the Sculptor. It is awarded for defeating the Guardian Ape in the Sunken Valley, while the Malcontent's Ring for the final tier upgrade material is obtained by defeating the Shichimen Warrior in Ashina Depths.

Finger Whistle is a stealth-focused Prosthetic tool and has a very limited use in direct confrontation. The base function itself allows players to have Wolf use the whistle, alerting enemies that hear it and prompt them to investigate the location Sekiro blew the sound. This is generally used to separate enemies from groups, assisting attempts of stealth Deathblows or to simply lure enemy away from their station so players can safely progress the area when combat is not favorable. Locking on to a specific enemy while blowing will make sure only that enemy hears it, while using the whistle with no lock-on will have all enemies within the vicinity to be aware.

The whistle affects animals differently, as instead of luring them, animals are turned rabid upon hearing the sound, becoming hostile to everyone, including other rabid animals. This could be very useful when facing the monkeys of Sunken Valley, making them cull each other and leaving the toughest (usually the white furred dual-wielding monkey) to face Wolf alone, or to turn Interior Ministry's shinobi hounds against their human masters.

Projected Force allows players to "bounce" the soundwave several distance away with the swing of Kusabimaru, making enemies investigate the spot where the soundwave lands instead of Sekiro's exact location.

Mountain Echo adds the Echo feature, which is basically a delayed whistle that players can use to have more control and time for their strategy in anticipation of enemy's reaction to the whistle.

Malcontent upgrade adds a powerful effect to the whistle that makes it able to "torture" Apparition type enemies like Headless, Shichimen Warrior and even Demon of Hatred, stunning them long enough for Wolf to take a huge chunk of their Vitality and Posture without resistance, tough this stunning effect only works thrice per each enemy in an entire battle, preventing abuse by players. It should also be remembered that the Malcontent upgrade costs 4 Spirit Emblems per use instead of 3, making it less cost-effective than Mountain Echo when used for anything else than its unique anti-apparition feature.


Finger Whistle: Attract enemy attention by blowing the Finger Whistle. Enrages beasts, making them unable to discern between friend and foe. Only the targeted enemy can hear the finger whistle when locked on. If no target is locked, all surrounding enemies will hear the sound. Costs SpiritEmblems 3 Spirit Emblems to use.

Delayed Whistle (Hold Prosthetic button, Mountain Echo and Malcontent): conjure a delayed sound pulse that becomes a full Whistle after several seconds.


Upgraded Versions[]

Mountain Echo
Mountain Echo A finger whistle that can create an echo effect. Costs Spirit Emblems to use.

Its sound will grab an enemy's attention and draw them to the whistle's location. By locking on to a target, only the targeted enemy will hear the whistle.
The sound of the finger whistle enrages beasts, making them unable to distinguish friend from foe.
Taking a deep breath before performing a whistle allows for the sound to be delayed.

Upgrade Cost
  • Sen 600
Scrap Magnetite
Scrap Magnetite x3
Lump of Fat Wax
Lump of Fat Wax x2
Spirit Emblem Cost SpiritEmblems 3 Spirit Emblems
Finger Whistle
Attract enemy attention by blowing the Finger Whistle. Enrages beasts, making them unable to discern between friend and foe.
(Hold) Mountain Echo
Produces a delayed sound after blowing the Finger Whistle. Only the targeted enemy can hear the finger whistle when locked on. If no target is locked, all surrounding enemies will hear the sound.
Malcontent Finger Whistle reinforced with the Malcontent's ring. Costs Spirit Emblems to use. Can be used to drive beasts mad, and to torment apparition-type enemies.

"Kingfisher" is etched onto the ring. The Kingfisher's cry could be heard along the waterfront of Sunken Valley. Now, she cries no more. 

Upgrade Cost
  • Sen 1500
Malcontent's Ring
Malcontent's Ring
Adamantite Scrap
Adamantite Scrap x2
Lump of Grave Wax
Lump of Grave Wax x2
Scrap Magnetite
Scrap Magnetite x4
Lump of Fat Wax
Lump of Fat Wax x4
Spirit Emblem Cost SpiritEmblems 4 Spirit Emblems
Malcontent Finger Whistle
Attract enemy attention by blowing the Finger Whistle. Creates an opening by causing anguish in apparition-type enemies.
(Hold) Mountain Echo
Perform a delayed whistle, where no sound occurs until several seconds after the whistle was blown. Only the targeted enemy can hear the finger whistle when locked on. If no target is locked, all surrounding enemies will hear the sound.