Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Wiki
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Wiki


The Divine Child of Rejuvenation (変若の御子, Divine Heir of Rejuvenation) is the last living bearer of the false Dragon's Heritage, created by Senpou Monks who abandoned their faith in pursuit of immortality.

She holds the Mortal Blade and is willing to give it to anyone who could survive its deadly crimson steel.

Realizing Wolf's mission is to sever the ties of immortality of his young lord, she decides to help him in his quest by gifting him precious Rice.

Sympathetic to the numerous tragedies that struck Kuro because of his Dragon's Blood, she'll ask Sekiro to help her bringing back this power to the West, by retrieving two Serpent Persimmons that she plans to eat to become the craddle for the Divine Heir.


Progression (Return)[]

Ashina Castle (Ashina Castle)[]

Talk to the Faithful One on the bridge to learn about a "special holy person" who lives in Senpou Temple.

Ashina Castle (Upper Tower - Ashina Dojo)[]

Grapple your way atop of Ashina Castle to face Genichiro for the second time.

Senpou Temple (Main Hall)[]

Before questioning Isshin about the Mortal Blade and its location, speak with the Green Robed Infested right past the Sculptor's Idol and "Ask of the special holy person" to receive Holy Chapter: Infested.

Ashina Castle (Upper Tower - Kuro's Room)[]

Exhaust Kuro's dialogue, until he reveals Isshin's whereabouts. Traverse the rooftops following the trail of pink smoke signals to reach his room. Question him about the Mortal Blade and its location, then return to Kuro's room to retrieve the Gun Fort Shrine Key from the library where the Divine Heir is now found.

Senpou Temple (Main Hall)[]

The Illusive Hall Bell has now appeared in the Main Hall of Senpou Temple: ringing it will grant access to the Folding Screen Monkeys Bossfight.

Senpou Temple (Inner Sanctum)[]

Talk to the Divine Child to receive the Mortal Blade and talk to her again to receive Rice.

Senpou Temple (Senpou Temple, Mt. Kongo)[]

Give the Rice to the Faithful One, found right after the building with the first Immortal Monk. She'll talk about a "fresh fruit" found just beyond the cave in front of her.

Senpou Temple (Inner Sanctum)[]

Request more Rice from the Divine Child.

Sunken Valley (Bodhisattva Valley)[]

Give the Rice to the Faithful One, found before the Sculptor's Idol. She'll talk about a "dried fruit" found at the bottom of the valley.

Senpou Temple (Inner Sanctum)[]

Request more Rice from the Divine Child and reload the area to have her ask Wolf for a Persimmon to cure her wheezing: after giving her what she asked for, she'll give Rice and Rice for Kuro to Sekiro.

  • A Taro Persimmon will also progress her questline, but it isn't specifically needed.

Ashina Castle (Upper Tower - Kuro's Room)[]

Give the Rice for Kuro to the Divine Heir and reload the area to have him gift Wolf a couple of Sweet Rice Balls.

Senpou Temple (Inner Sanctum)[]

Inform the Divine Child that you handed the Rice for Kuro to him and give her the Holy Chapter: Infested. Reload the area and enter the Hall of Illusions, where the Divine Child is now found, and exhaust her dialogues.

Senpou Temple (Main Hall)[]

Traverse the cave to the left of the Sculptor's Idol to retrieve Holy Chapter: Dragon's Return from the corpse of the High Priest of Senpou Temple.

Senpou Temple (Inner Sanctum)[]

Give Holy Chapter: Dragon's Return to the Divine Child. She'll tell Wolf that he needs to find two Serpent Persimmons for her to eat to become the craddle that will bring the Dragon's Blood back to its origin place.

Senpou Temple (Senpou Temple, Mt. Kongo)[]

Exit the building with the first Sculptor's Idol, take the right and drop down to a cliff with a Rat guarding a kite: equip the Puppeteer Ninjutsu awarded after defeating the Folding Screen Monkeys and perform a Backstab Deathblow on him, following it with another attack to take control of him. The Rat will now head for the machinery to fly the kite higher.

Head back to the Faithful One, grapple onto the branch to her left and then to the branch of the large tree on the right. Walk toward the kite and grapple onto it to land on a cliff. Now jump onto the other cliffs ahead by grappling onto the nearby branches to reach the Sunken Valley Cavern Sculptor's Idol.

Senpou Temple (Sunken Valley Cavern)[]

Walk past the Sculptor's Idol and on the broken plank to perform a Plunging Deathblow on the Great Serpent to obtain the Fresh Serpent Viscera.

  • It doesn't matter which of the Serpent Viscera is retrieved first.
  • Not taking the Finisher Deathblow will result in getting shallowed alive by the beast, that will then bring Wolf to the entrance of the cave with the Dried Serpent Viscera.

Sunken Valley (Bodhisattva Valley)[]

Reach the bottom of the valley and enter the cave past the Toxic Memorial Mob: at the end, another Great Serpent will attack Sekiro if he tries to reach the shrine from the bridge, so take the left, drop down and climb the wall ahead to reach a cliff with a scared Monkey and five Spirit Emblems: equip the Puppeteer Ninjutsu and take control of it. As it screams to bait the creature away from the bridge, prepare to grapple onto it after the Serpent is done attacking the beast. The Dried Serpent Viscera is found on the Buddha statue inside the shrine.

Senpou Temple (Inner Sanctum)[]

Give the two Serpent Persimmons to the Divine Child.

Ashina Castle (Upper Tower - Ashina Dojo)[]

Grapple your way atop of Ashina Castle to meet Great Shinobi - Owl: talk to him and choose to "Break the Iron Code" to fight him.

Ashina Castle (Upper Tower - Kuro's Room)[]

Add all the ingredients in the Incense Burner to complete the Divine Aroma.

Senpou Temple (Inner Sanctum)[]

Eavesdrop on the Divine Child writhing in pain and reload the area: talk to the Divine Child to receive the Frozen Tears to give to Kuro after defeating Isshin, the Sword Saint and Fine Snow.

  • From this point on, at any request of Rice, the Divine Child will hand out Fine Snow instead.

Quest Items[]

Mortal Blade
Mortal Blade
(Given when first met)
Rice x1
(Given at request)
Frozen Tears
Frozen Tears
(Given after she has consumed both Serpent Viscerae)
Fine Snow
Fine Snow x1
(Given at request after she has consumed both Serpent Viscerae)

Entering Senpou Temple Divine Child: You... yes, you.
Approaching Divine Child: Look this way... Gaze upon the image of the Enlightened One.
Talking to the Hanging Scroll Divine Child: Those of the Senpou Temple have strayed from Buddha's teachings. They have abandoned their faith, seduced by a search for immortality. Should you be captured, there is no telling what would become of you. You would do well to return the way you came. However... I will not stop you from entering if you are determined to do so. But if you do, please... proceed with care.
Leaving Entrance Divine Child: I see you have decided to continue... We will pray for your safety... It is the least we can do.
Defeating Folding Screen Monkeys Divine Child: Please, forgive them. They only sought to keep me hidden. However, it seems it was not meant to be.

First Encounter Divine Child: Why do you seek this place?

Wolf: I seek the Mortal Blade.
Divine Child: Do you know of the blade that cannot be drawn?
Wolf: Yes
Divine Child: It is so-called, for not one who has drawn it has ever survived. Yet, you still wish to attempt this?

Replying "Never mind" Wolf: .....

Divine Child: If you have any doubt, I urge you to rethink this decision. The blade has claimed the lives of many.

Replying "I Do" Wolf: I do.

Divine Child: I see... Very well. If you are prepared, you may gaze upon the blade.
(Wolf draws the blade and dies)
Divine Child: Why is it, I wonder. Are they not loath to die? (Wolf comes back to life)
Divine Child: How... how are you...? Your eye... I see. You carry the curse of the Dragon's Heritage.
Wolf: The Mortal Blade. Without question... I accept its power.

Talking After Receiving the Mortal Blade Divine Child: I see you serve the Divine Heir of the Dragon's Heritage.

Wolf: Yes.
Divine Child: Why do you seek the Mortal Blade?
Wolf: I wish to obtain the dragon tears from the divine realm... To sever the ties of immortality.
Divine Child: I see... I have read about this. I have read there is a way to sever the Dragon's Heritage. Which means... The Divine Heir begrudges the power of the Dragon's Heritage.
Wolf: That's right.
Divine Child: How strange fate can be. I am... one of the children of the Rejuvenating Waters. Created by those would stop at nothing to achieve immortality, my false dragon's blood was created by man.
Wolf: Children... So there are many of you?
Divine Child: I am the only one who survived the process. The others... are laid to rest here.
Wolf: I see
Divine Child: I do not know if it is right to sever the ties of immortality. But the Dragon's Heritage is undeniably corrupts the lives of men... And I share the Heir's feelings about that truth.

Greeting (Generic) Divine Child: Shinobi of the Divine Heir, you are welcome here.
Given Holy Chapter: Infested Wolf: This is for you.

Divine Child: What is this...?
Wolf: I was told to give this to you.
Divine Child: Thank... you... I ... will accept it.
Wolf: What's wrong?
Divine Child: I... I still... Cannot help but detest them...

Leaving (Generic) Divine Child: Thank you for visiting.
Giving Rice First Time Divine Child: Shinobi of the Divine Heir, I have decided to assist you. Please, hold out your hand...

Wolf: What...?
Divine Child: Bless us with bountiful harvest...
Wolf: This is... rice...?
Divine Child: There you are. Rice is a precious thing. It tastes better the more you eat it, and restores one's vigor. It tastes sweeter the more you eat it, and makes one stronger.

Request Rice (Unavailable) Divine Child: I apologize... Shinobi of the Divine Heir. The rice is not yet ready for harvest. I shall give you more when the harvest is complete. Please make the most of the rice you have left.
Request Rice Divine Child: Shinobi of the Divine Heir. This time the rice grew well. Now, hold out your hand...

Wolf: Please.
Divine Child: Bless us with bountiful harvest.
Wolf: I thank you.
Divine Child: Rice is very precious. Please come again should you want for more.

Leaving After Receiving Rice Divine Child: Farewell, Shinobi of the Divine Heir. May the harvest be plentiful wherever your path may lead.
Requesting Rice Divine Child: Shinobi of the Divine Heir. This time the rice grew well. Now, hold out your hand...

Wolf: Please. I thank you.
Divine Child: Rice is very precious. Please come again should you want for more.

Presenting Sakura Droplet Wolf: Do you know what this is?

Divine Child: I believe it is known as... A sakura droplet. I have heard that when the immortal oath of the dragon's heritage is broken... A sakura droplet is produced in its stead.
Wolf: So this too represents the power of the dragon's heritage...
Divine Child: Yes.
Wolf: .........
Divine Child: ... Shinobi of the Divine Heir. Should you so desire, I could use its power to aid you.

Refusing Sakura Droplet Wolf: I'd rather not.

Divine Child: I understand. Should you require my aid, do not hesitate to ask.

Accepting Sakura Droplet Wolf: Please do.

Divine Child: All right. Please close your eyes.
Wolf: Yes.
Divine Child: May this Sakura Droplet... Bring you strength.
Wolf: I humbly accept.
Divine Child: There...... You can open your eyes.
Wolf: Understood.
Divine Child: It appears the Sakura Droplet's power now resides within you. I am glad I could be of assistance...
Wolf: I give you my thanks.

Approached When Sick Divine Child: (Pant, pant, pant...) I'm glad you've come... Shinobi of the Divine Heir...

Wolf: What's wrong?
Divine Child: It is... nothing serious... More importantly, your rice...
Wolf: Hold on. You don't look well... Rest.
Divine Child: ......... Yes. I understand...
Wolf: ... What can I do?
Divine Child: What?
Wolf: Is there something I can get you?
Divine Child: Well, then... then I'd like to eat a persimmon.
Wolf: All right.

  • Talking Again

Divine Child: You've come to visit... Shinobi of the Divine Heir. I am sorry I am unable... to give you any rice...
Wolf: Try to sleep. I'll find a persimmon.
Divine Child: Yes, thank you.

Giving Persimmon Wolf: I found a persimmon.

Divine Child: Truly, you've brought me a persimmon?
Wolf: Eat.
Divine Child: Yes, thank you. (Munch... munch... munch...) It's sweet and delicious.
Wolf: Good.
Divine Child: Shinobi, hold out your hand.
Wolf: But...
Divine Child: No need to hesitate. Hold out your hand...
Wolf: All right.
Divine Child: A bountiful harvest for you. I thank you, Shinobi of the Divine Heir. The crop is plentiful, thanks to the persimmon you gave me. I ask that you also give some to the Divine Heir of the Dragon's Heritage. (Gives Rice for Kuro)
Wolf: I will.

Eating Additional Persimmon Wolf: I've brought a persimmon.

Divine Child: Oh my!
Wolf: Eat it.
Divine Child: Yes, I will. (Munch... munch... munch...) There's nothing quite like a persimmon. Nothing is so delicious...
Wolf: I see.
Divine Child: (Giggles)
Wolf: What is it?
Divine Child: Oh, pay me no mind. The sweetness just brings me happiness. Whether I'm feeling well... or not... Persimmons never cease to be delicious. I thank you.

Divine Child: Oh my... this is...!
Wolf: What about it?
Divine Child: So wonderfully sweet and delicious. Persimmons are truly crimson gems...

After Giving Rice to Kuro Divine Child: Did you give the rice to the Divine Heir?

Wolf: Yes. He made rice balls out of it.
Divine Child: The Divine Heir of the Dragon's Heritage... he made them himself?
Wolf: Yes, and he was enthusiastic. And I had one... it was very good.
Divine Child: ...... Oh, I see. Hey may be the Divine Heir of the Dragon's Heritage, but... he's still human, after all. What am I saying, of course he is... I'm sure he had his doubts about severing immortality as well... Yet even so, it is the path he chose. There is something I would like to ask you, Shinobi of the Divine Heir...
Wolf: Yes?
Divine Child: What is his name?
Wolf: Lord Kuro.
Divine Child: Lord Kuro... It has a fine ring to it... I should like to meet him some day.

Talking to Her Siblings Divine Child: My friends... What should I do...? With the severing of immortality... I will once more... lose something precious... I cannot help but feel this way. Is this something I should be concerned about? What the scriptures described... The fate of the Dragon Heritage... I... don't want to lose them. But... if I were to choose the path of Returning the Dragon's Heritage... It may come to pass that I would have to leave all of you. Thank you for your kind words... My friends, listen... He is... actually quite kind. He gave me this...

Wolf: Hello?
Divine Child: Oh, Shinobi of the Divine Heir... I didn't hear you come in. It is thanks to you that I've been able to have a deep... conversation with my friends. Wolf: With the children of the rejuvenating waters?
Divine Child: Yes. ... There is something I would like to discuss. I believe we should aim not to sever the Dragon's Heritage, but instead to return it to its rightful place.
Wolf: Return the Dragon's Blood?
Divine Child: That's right. The Dragon's Heritage was... set free from its homeland and it drifted here to Japan. Its power was never meant for this land. Until something is done, it will continue to corrupt the lives of those who encounter it. The Dragon's Heritage and those connected to it... It is only right that they return home. To the west... To the birthplace of the divine dragon... However, there is one problem... I am unsure of the exact destination.
Wolf: Who would know?
Divine Child: Perhaps the High Priest of Senpou Temple... or...
Wolf: And he is?
Divine Child: He's the founder of Senpou Temple. I wonder how old he actually is... He has secluded himself in a five story pagoda, past the narrow cave not far from here. Shinobi of the Divine Heir.
Wolf: Yes?
Divine Child: This path... differs from that of the one to sever immortality. I do not wish to force my opinion upon you. Should you wish to return the Dragon's Heritage, then perhaps you should seek out the High Senpou Priest.
Wolf: ... I'll think about it.

After Seeing the Priest Divine Child: Shinobi of the Divine Heir. Have you perhaps met with the High Priest of Senpou Temple?

Wolf: I found him. He was dead.
Divine Child: The High Priest was infested... How could this come to be...?
Wolf:I do not know. However, he left this note.
Divine Child: I will take a look. ......... I see. The tears of the dragon... I am sure they can be obtained from the Divine Dragon, the source of the Dragon's Heritage. However I don't know what he means by "cold" here... Consuming two persimmons of the serpent will allow one to become a cradle for the Divine Heir. This will make it possible to return the Dragon's Heritage to its homeland... ......... I... I shall become the cradle.
Wolf:... You're sure of this?
Divine Child: Of course. ......... I am the only surviving Divine Child of the Rejuvenating Waters. Death does not come easily to me. Shinobi of the Divine Heir. If you wish to take the path to return the Dragon's Heritage, then bring me two persimmons of the serpent.
Wolf: Where should I begin?
Divine Child: I believe it is said that the liver of a Great Serpent... Is stained red like a Persimmon. Shinobi of the Divine Heir. If you wish to take the path to return the Dragon's Heritage, then bring me two persimmons of the serpent.

After Acquiring One Serpent's Fruit Divine Child: Shinobi of the Divine Heir. I see you have obtained one persimmon of the serpent. They say there is a Great Serpent nest at the bottom of the Sunken Valley. Perhaps that is where you will find the remaining persimmon.

Divine Child: Shinobi of the Divine Heir. I see you have obtained one persimmon of the serpent. I need one more to perform the cradle ritual.

Giving Both Fruits Divine Child: Have you acquired both persimmons of the serpent?

Wolf: Yes, I've found them.
Divine Child: This shade of red... It is as I expected. A persimmon is an apt comparison.
Wolf: You're actually going to eat them?
Divine Child: Of course. Doing so will allow me to become a cradle to return the Dragon's Heritage to its home. However... I hesitate to eat them in front of you. Please come back after some time. Wolf: Understood.

Giving Holy Chapter: Dragon's Return Wolf: ... Hello.

Divine Child: Oh, Shinobi of the Divine Heir. You've come to see me.
Wolf: This is for you.
Divine Child: That's...
Wolf: I was told to give it to you.
Divine Child: I will... take a look. I see... so the Dragon's Heritage... was originally... Thank you, Shinobi of the Divine Heir. What is written here... I will need to discuss at length with the other children.
Wolf: Please do.

After She Eats Both Fruits Divine Child: Oh... Shinobi of the Divine Heir...? Are you... there?

Wolf: You... your eyes...
Divine Child: Ahh.. You have returned. Shinobi of the Divine Heir? It appears... I have succeeded in becoming the cradle. Could you please take my hand?
Wolf: Yes... What...!
Divine Child: It is cold... Much like an ice house. Which is why... See? My tears... They freeze as they flow down my face. These frozen tears... take them.
Wolf: Frozen tears... does this mean...?
Divine Child: Yes. I believe this is what the text referred to as "Cold Dragon Tears". The Divine Heir must drink them together with the Dragon Tears of the divine realm. If he does so, I believe Lord Kuro will be able to rest within the cradle.

After Defeating Divine Dragon Divine Child: Shinobi of the Divine Heir. So you've acquired the Tears of the Dragon.

Wolf: Yes.
Divine Child: The Tears of the Dragon... If Lord Kuro drinks them together with the frozen tears I provided... Then he will be able to rest within my cradle. If you wish to return the dragon's heritage to its rightful place, give him the frozen tears together with the dragon tears. He only needs but to drink them.

Giving Fine Snow Divine Child: (Giggles)

Wolf: What is it?
Divine Child: Hold out your hand...
Wolf: All right.
Divine Child: Bless us with a silvery harvest...
Wolf: This is... It's cold...
Divine Child: With my body so cold... the rice shines with an icy gleam.
Wolf: It's like fine snow.
Divine Child: That is true. Then that is what we shall call it. Shinobi of the Divine Heir, this fine snow is yours.
Wolf: I accept.
Divine Child: Rice is precious. Please return should you want for more.

Divine Child: Shinobi of the Divine Heir. The fine snow has fallen with such a glisten to it. Now, hold out your hand...
Wolf: All right.
Divine Child: Bless us with a silvery harvest... Rice is precious. Please return should you want for more.

Asking for Fine Snow When Unavailable Divine Child: I apologize... Shinobi of the Divine Heir. The rice is not yet ready for harvest. I will provide more when the harvest is complete.
Leaving Divine Child:
  • Shinobi of the Divine Heir. I look forward to the time we next meet.
  • Shinobi of the Divine Heir. I pray that you will bring Lord Kuro safely to me.


