Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Wiki

Red Guards are a normal enemy in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. They are commonly found in Ashina Castle and Ashina Outskirts

Red Guard (Dual Kodachi)[]


The Red Guard (Dual Kodachi) is an elite soldier of the Central Forces, the army of the Interior Ministry.

Alongside the Lone Shadows and Red Guard Assassins, they're the vanguard sent to invade Ashina Castle at twilight.

They come equipped with a pair of shortswords (小太刀, Kodachi), which they swing in unison with quick and agile techniques.

They're mostly found hiding behind some wall, ready to ambush unsuspecting Ashina Soldiers, or patrolling in groups.


  • Ashina Castle (Shinobi Raid):
    • Abandoned Dungeon Entrance: on the bridge leading to the dungeon courtyard, chasing a fleeting Ashina Soldier.
    • Ashina Castle:
      • Hiding behind a wall in the alleyway to the left past the Sculptor's Idol, waiting to ambush an Ashina Soldier.
      • Three coming out of the front gate of the castle, following a scared Ashina Soldier.
      • Attacking Ashina Soldiers in the alleyway to the right past the Sculptor's Idol.


  • Leaping Double Slash: leaps forward and performs a slash with both swords. Followed by a Double Crossed Slash.
  • Double Crossed Slash: lunges into two cross-shaped dual sword slashes. Sometimes telegraphed by striking sparks and assuming a stance. Can be followed up by two rising slashes into Dual Sword Thrust.
  • Sparking Sword Flurry: strikes sparks with swords then launches into a 4-hit series of fast slashes. Followed-up by Double Crossed Slash if target is in range, or cancelled into Leaping Double Slash if not.
  • Perilous AttackDual Sword Thrust: leans back and winds up a thrust using both swords.


Due to the quick multi-hits attacks this enemy relies on, it's recommended to use Gokan's Sugar or Gokan's Spiritfall to keep Posture in check and avoid being guard-broken half-way through one of his long combos.

The Loaded Umbrella (or any other spinning variation) is ideal to safely deflect the fast consecutive hits of this enemy.

Like the rest of the Red Guard, this enemy has very low Poison resistance, a few swings of the Sabimaru will be enough to proc it.


Red Guard (Dual Uchigatana/Firebomb)[]


The Red Guard (Dual Uchigatana/Firebomb) is an elite soldier of the Central Forces, the army of the Interior Ministry.

As the night falls on Ashina, the Interior Ministry sets siege for one last time to the Castle and Outskirts, bringing these new troops alongside the previous Red Guard (Dual Kodachi) and Lone Shadows.

They fight dual-wielding uchigatana, attacking with slow yet heavy swings, and are occasionally equipped with a rifle that fires incendiary projectiles.

They're always found in groups, decimating the few Ashina Soldiers left or patrolling a conquered area.


  • Ashina Outskirts (Ministry Raid):
    • Underbridge Valley:
      • A large group is found fighting Ashina forces on the bridge that connects the Outskirts and the Castle.
      • One patrols the area in front of Shigekichi of the Red Guard.
    • Outskirts Wall - Stairway: one patrols the staircase behind Shigekichi of the Red Guard, alongside a Red Guard (Flamethrower).
      • One guards the staircase from the bottom.
      • One overwatches the staircase on a turret.
      • One hides among the tall grass below the turret.
      • One is found beneath the gate past Anayama the Peddler.
      • One overwatches the area from each of the three turrets.
      • One is found below a turret, at the bottom of a staircase close to an explosive supply box.
      • Two patrols the area before the gate leading to the Sculptor's Idol that allows Wolf to reach the Demon of Hatred.


  • Overhead Smash: raises only one of his swords and strikes down. Can either follow it up with another Overhead Strike using the other sword or chain into a Shoulder Dash Combo.
  • Shoulder Dash Combo: crouches down and shoulder barges forwards, chaining immediately two horizontal slashes and ends with a Dual Sword Thrust.
  • Double Crossed Slash: lunges into two cross-shaped dual sword slashes.
  • Burn AttackIncendiary Rifle Shot: fires a slow rocket-propelled incendiary shot that deals Fire damage and inflicts Burn build-up.
  • Perilous AttackDual Sword Thrust: leans back and winds up a thrust using both swords.


Like the rest of the Red Guard, this enemy has very low Poison resistance, a few swings of the Sabimaru will be enough to proc it.


Red Guard (Flamethrower)[]


The Red Guard (Flamethrower) is an elite soldier of the Central Forces, the army of the Interior Ministry.

As the night falls on Ashina, the Interior Ministry sets siege for one last time to the Castle and Outskirts, bringing these new troops alongside the previous Red Guard (Dual Kodachi) and Lone Shadows.

They serve as backrow support for the other soldiers, continuously firing their flamethrowers all over the battlefield.



  • Wide Swing: swings the flamethrower sideways.
  • Heavy Smash: raises the flamethrower, then strikes it down.
  • Burn AttackFire Stream: holds up the flamethrower to load it, then redirects the stream of fire bursting out towards Wolf. Continues the fire stream until fuel runs out, then needs to reload.


Lacking any Super Armor, this enemy poses no threat at close range, as continuously attacking will prevent him from using his few melee attacks or to fire his weapon.


Red Guard (Dual Uchigatana)[]

The Red Guard (Dual Uchigatana) is an elite soldier of the Central Forces, the army of the Interior Ministry.

As the night falls on Ashina, the Interior Ministry sets siege for one last time to the Castle and Outskirts, bringing these new troops alongside the previous Red Guard (Dual Kodachi) and Lone Shadows.



  • Overhead Smash: raises only one of his swords and strikes down. Can either follow it up with another Overhead Strike using the other sword or chain into a Shoulder Dash Combo.
  • Shoulder Dash Combo: crouches down and shoulder barges forwards, chaining immediately two horizontal slashes and ends with a Dual Sword Thrust.
  • Double Crossed Slash: lunges into two cross-shaped dual sword slashes.
  • Double Overhead Smash: raises both swords and strikes down. Then recoils and strikes a second time.
  • Perilous AttackDual Sword Thrust: leans back and winds up a thrust using both swords.


Like the rest of the Red Guard, this enemy has very low Poison resistance, a few swings of the Sabimaru will be enough to proc it.


Red Guard Assassin[]

The Red Guard Assassin is a former Senpou Assassin, who now dons the armor of the Central Forces.

Alongside the Lone Shadows and Red Guard (Dual Kodachi), they're the vanguard sent to invade Ashina Castle at twilight.

As the night falls on Ashina, some will also join the invasion of the Outskirts.



  • Evasive Spin: spins in the air to the side.
  • Evasive Somersault: rolls to either side, evading attacks.
  • Jumping Stab: jumps towards his target with a stab.
  • Chasing Slice: moves to the side with a wide slash.
  • Chasing Stab: moves forward swiftly with a stab of his dagger.
  • Slash: slices with his dagger horizontally, sometimes twice.
  • Jumping Uppercut: jumps up, slashing his dagger upwards.
  • Poison AttackPoison Dart: shoots a Poison dart at Wolf that fills up one third of the Poison status effect bar.
  • Poison AttackPoison Splash: empties a satchel of poison in front of himself in a pool that remains in the area.
  • Perilous AttackPerilous Grab: jumps up then attempts to catch Wolf. If it connects, he jumps at Wolf and twists his head back, dealing a great amount of damage.

