In-Game Description[]
Memories left behind by another.
Concentrate on this memory at a Sculptor's Idol to rever the Wolf to his original appearance. Has no effect on ability. Memory of Shura told via Ashina folksong: "Fields of bodies, mountains of dead. Down Dragonspring river, our country bled. A fiery god, demon wolf in red." |
- Obtained after defeating Inner Father in the Gauntlet of Strength: Shura.
Allows to "Change Form" at any Sculptor's Idol with the flaming rags of a Wolf who succumbed to Shura.
Possesses no special effects.
- Introduced with Patch 1.05.
- This item can't be acquired prior to New Game Plus, as to unlock the Gauntlet of Strength: Shura is necessary to have defeated the Demon of Hatred and completed the Shura ending on the same savefile.
- With this appearance, Wolf's night eye will shine a brightful red instead of the usual pale yellow.